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When Li Han woke up, he felt sore in chest and he knew it was probably swollen and the way it rubbed against the silk pajamas shirt was not the best feeling at all. Li Han groggily went to pee and almost jumped in fright when he noticed the twins groggily watching him, he didn't notice that they followed him out of bed, so he quickly tucked himself back on his shorts suddenly embarrassed that they watched him pee, while washing his hands, he was lifted up by Yo Han who mumbled about it being an hour too early to wake up.

Li Han was tucked back in bed by a sleepy Yo Han and they were soon joined Yo Sun, Li Han the hard worker woke up early so he could walk to his work place and get there on time was not used to sleeping late but welcomed it as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Li Han gripped dearly on the handle of the bathroom door trying to stop the twins from showering with him

"Do you know how to control the shower settings, we'll help you"

"I can do it myself"

"Who would scrub your back for you"

"I can do it myself"

"What if you slip and fall who will be there to catch you"

"It is not my first time showering alone" once the twins heard this they finally left the beta alone.

Once Li Han came out of the shower with a bathrobe secured around his body he was stunned to see the twins dressed in formal wear, from expensive suits to shoes and even the shiny gold Rolex. The twins noticed that Li Han was done they did not waste time and dressed him up in a white shirt and casual slacks with white tennis shoes, they even slipped a Rolex as shiny as theirs onto his wrist and they brushed his hair before dragging him downstairs to eat breakfast. The beta was beyond embarrassed that the twins had dressed him.

"Coffee?" The beta shook his head not liking the taste of coffee, they gave him tea instead which he drank, once he was done, he was ushered into a car with tinted windows. Once the driver parked in the underground garage, they had taken an elevator to their office. Li Han was barely able to comprehend what was happening but he knew rich people did not have time so the richer you were, the less time you have and the crabs known as the twins were the richest.

Li Han sat on Yo Sun's lap was working on something on his laptop, Li Han was bored out of his mind even though Yo Sun gave him his phone because they had decided let's kidnap him and leave all his belongings. A bored Li Han was a hungry Li Han, before Li Han could complain, Yo Sun brought out grapes from his desk, he plucked one and fed it to Li Han without even glancing at Li Han.

This had gone on for a while even though Li Han wanted to feed himself but the alpha did not let him, once the grapes were finished, Yo Sun have Li Han a deep kiss before saying "go meet him" Li Han nodded and came down from Yo Sun's lap, he shyly opened the adjoining door to the other office which belonged to Yo Han.

Yo Han who was also busy kissed Li Han very sloppily and put him on his lap, instead he laid on his lap facing towards his chest and his legs were at each side of him. Li Han laid on Yo Han's chest which was soft and he wondered if it was because he was muscular but Li Han did not mind and enjoyed using it as a pillow.

"Look at how cute he looks" Li Han woke up without opening his eyes, he was still in the same position but now the other twin was done and came to watch their husband sleep

"His cute mouth is even open and he's drooling" Yo Sun said star struck, Li Han instantly closed his mouth embarrassed that he is drooling on Yo Han's shirt

"He even blushes in his sleep" Yo Han on the other hand was interested in Li Han's butt which he had been squeezing and kneading for the past hour. Li Han sat up and glared at the two alphas who still found him unbelievably cute, Li Han's butt was sore and he knew the culprit who was still fondling it.

The twins instructed Li Han to type in his address so they would pick up his clothes and personal belongings but Li Han said they had to get his personal belongings from the restaurant which they went to. Once Li Han entered the kitchen to greet the staff they all happily welcomed him but they were scared to touch him because of the giant alphas who stood like bodyguards behind him but Li Han pushed them out saying it was for staff only.

Everyone questioned him about what was happening and why the richest men in china came to grab him, he had put it simply that he knew them and they had kidnapped him. Once Li Han collected his stuff, he hugged everyone and bowed before leaving to meet the twins. They got into the car and the driver drove to his apartment. The twins were more than excited to see where their husband lived, just as Li Han was about to open his apartment door, Ming Xi came out from her apartment

"Li Han what happened, I've been trying to reach out to you, are we not going out on another date"

"I'm..." Li Han saw that she was shaking already and he realized that the twins were scaring her, so he quickly unlocked the apartment and shoved them inside. He had explained to the visibly upset female beta who simply entered back into her apartment and shut the door.

Once Li Han entered back into his apartment the alpha's cornered him against each other

"Who is she to you Li Han" Li Han was scared hearing Yo Sun call his name as he placed a not-so-tender kiss on his neck, Yo Han's hand had already slipped into the waistband of his slacks, Li Han realized they were doing it again, cornering him to do crabby things to him

"S-She's no one, I swear"

"That's good Fu Fu" they released him and walked around the apartment

"So this is where our Fu Fu lives" Yo Han said entered his room which was quite small but they did not say anything

"Move I need to get my things" Li Han said. The twins helped him to pack all his things before leaving.

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