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Although Li Han had clearly stated that he did not want friends but the twins had translated it to he did not want any other friends than them. Even though they were not in the same class, the twins always made sure they clinged onto him during recess which Li Han spent reading or any time they saw him.

2 weeks had passed since the day they met and they have already been labeled as a trio since they were inseparable and plus no one ever bullied the twins unless they will face the wrath Li Han, the book hog (as they called him under their breath)

"Fu Fu why are you such a book worm?" Yo Sun asked while leaning on Li Han's shoulder peering at the lame picture book he was reading

"Stop calling me Fu Fu, my name is Li Han" he corrected

"But you are our husband Fu Fu" Yo Han corrected him, Li Han sighed and rolled his eyes before focusing back on his picture book he knew that no matter how many times he corrected them they will not stop bothering him or claiming to be their husband, he suddenly felt his cheeks stinging "ouch why did pinch my cheeks"

"You're so cute Fu Fu" Li Han annoyance simmered down and shook his head as the two fishes clung to him playing whatever game they were playing.

Li Han walked back home as usual, his house was not too far from school so it was no issue coming back on his own. He took a bath and dressed up before going back to study, his mother praised her almighty son, which he blushed to before inviting him to join his father for dinner.

"Welcome back, father" Li Han quietly greeted before sitting on the mat. His father, Huang Xiaoming wasn't an evil man of any sorts, he was a hard worker and made sure he could provide the basic necessities for his family, but sometimes he could not separate his work life from his family life so sometimes when he was angry and brooding it reflected in his sense of speaking and his actions but he had never lifted his hands to neither his wife or child. He was an ideal family man in a way or in further sentence he loved his family in an extended way.

"How was school today?" Xiaoming asked thoughtfully

"It was good father" Li Han replied before facing back to his food. The was sound that was heard were chopsticks hitting the bowl, other than that it was an eerie silence. Once Xiaoming finished his food, he thanked his wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving to take a shower. Once Li Han finished eating he went back to his room and read a little before falling asleep.

A/N I'm sorry the chapter is short I want to write a lot but I can't add more unnecessary words so I promise the chapter will keep getting better and longer. Stay with me

BTW Fu Fu in Chinese means a (married) couple husband and wife

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