Worried For You

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This is when Callum did dark magic and now he's unconsious.

Rayla was stuck in the cave looking after Callum. Corvus went to go look for Ezran so she is stuck here by herself, watching the sick boy.

Rayla paced around the cave talking to herself. Or more like insult Callum.

"You're such an idiot! Out of all the things you couldve done you did dark magic." She scoffed.

"Like you couldnt do something else? Like Aspiro or Fulminis?" She froze and stopped talking, remembering his situation.

She looked at the boy. He was tossing and turning. He was pale and he groaned every now and then.

The elf sighed and plopped down on the ground next to Callum's sleeping body.

"No. No.. mom..." Callum muttered, looking distressed. "Hey, hey Callum its okay. Its okay." Rayla whispered in his ear, hoping to relax him.

Callum stayed still. Nothing came oyt his mouth and he didnt move.

This sent a wave of panic to Rayla.

"Why isnt he moving? Is he ok?!" Questions rang in her head as her heart pounded with anxiety.

Callum breathed out a heavy exhale and a more relaxed look painted his face.

Rayla sighed in relief and sat back.

Where in the world is Corvus and Ezran?! The time she needs them they both disappear. Of course..

She continued to watch over him. Soon, night time came. The prince and the bodyguard still hasnt come back and Rayla was getting worried.

Ezran isnt back yet. Is he okay? Is ge safe? Is he in danger? Did he get attacked by Claudia and Soren?!

The elf paced again, her heart pounding more loudly.

The groan of the mage caught Rayla's attention. Callum was inhaling deeply. He exhaled with the same amount of force.

Rayla couldnt help but wonder what he was dreaming of.

Unbeknowst to Rayla, Callum was learning how to use Primal Magic for the second time.

Some footsteps sounded and Rayla ran out, knives in hand. She was in her stance and is prepared to attack.

The look on her face softened when Corvus came out carrying a sleeping prince.

She put her knives away not wanting to harm anyone.

"He uh had a run in with Claudia.." Corvus muttered, not sure if it was a good time to tell her. Rayla's eyes widened.

"Is he okay?!" She asked in a whisper making sure not to wake the sleeping step-brothers.

Corvus nodded as he set Ezran down on the ground on top of a blanket.

Ezran had told him about everything that happened. Including the death of his father.

"He found out what happened to King Harrow.."

Rayla almost fainted right then and there. She and Callum had been building up the courage to tell him! How the heck the he find out?!

Zym flew by and tumbled on the soft ground.

"Zym! Where have you been?!" Rayla smiled brightly forgetting about everything that has happened.

She was too worried about Callum and Ezran that she didnt realize Zym was gone.

She noticed a few hours ago before sundown and that added to her worries considering how she cant leave Callum alone.

Rayla picked up the dragon and hugged him tightly to which Zym responded to.

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