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This was before Callum did dark magic.

Callum's Pov

The team was walking in the forest trying to find a place to make camp.

The sun was starting to set and we were growing tired. We had been walking since morning.

"Callum, can we stop now?" Ezran asked panting and groaning. "Not yet. According to the map there's an oasis in a clearing nearby. We can set camp there." I told them.

"How far away is it?" He asked again.

I looked at the map and studied it. "Maybe ten minutes." I rolled the map and we continued our walk.

However I couldnt help but feel weird. It wasnt because I was tired. I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

But I wasnt hungry. My chest tightened and I could hear its nervous beating.

Why though?

I decided to ignore it thinking I was just being paranoid.

We reached the oasis a few minutes later. I gathered wood while Ezran picked berries. Bait watched the camp.

I got back carrying a pile of sticks. Ezran had a small sack full of fruits.

But something still didnt feel right. The atmosphere felt off.. I looked around to check the surroundings.

And thats when I realized. My eyes widened and I dropped the sticks startling the others.

"Where's Rayla?!" I shouted. They looked at each other in shock. They mustve not noticed too.

A million thoughts ran through my mind as I paced.

'What if she got hurt? What if someone imprisoned her? What if she died?!'

My breathing got faster and I started biting my nails as I watched my feet walk. By now I was staring at the ground in horror.

"Callum calm down." Ezran put his hand on my back and rubbed it attempting to make me stop.

And it worked. I stood still.

"Callum we didnt cross any enemies. Even if they were spying on us we would be able to feel it right? Rayla ptobably ran into some problem but whatever it is Im sure she can save herself."

Ezran was right. Rayla is tough. She was a warrior. An assassin. She's strong enough to take care of herself.

But that still didnt erase the worries on my mind.

But I have to stay positive. All my worrying wont help anyone.

We continued setting up camp in hopes of Rayla coming back soon.

She didnt.

It was already past midnight and she still didnt come back.

I decided to stay up waiting. When she comes back..

If she comes back...

'Stop it Callum! We have to think positive!' I scolded myself.

Dawn was nearing. I felt sleepy. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep all the tiredness away but I remembered Rayla.

I stayed up for as long as I could. But soon enough, I gave in to the temptation, forgetting why I stayed up in the first place.

I closed my eyes and prepared for sleep until I heard a twig snap and a loud thump.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly looking around.

Rayla was on the ground, collapsed. She didnt move.

I ran over. I turned her over in a position where I can see her face.

She was covered with bruises. Some cuts too. Her blades are bent and injuries surrounded her arms.

My eyes widened in fear. All the thoughts I dissmissed were slowly coming back.

"Ez! Ezran!" I called out.

He sat up startled. "What? What is it?" He asked looking around.

"Rayla!" His eyes widened as well. He quickly stood up and ran to us.

"What happened to her?" "I dont know!"

"Lets get her to bed." I said and picked her up bridal style.

She wasnt too light or too heavy. Her weight was just right. But now isnt the time to think about that.

I brought her to her mat and set her down. 

For the next few hours, we treated her injuries. We used whatever we could find.

The doctor was hours away so we had to help her on our own.

It was early morning when we finished. We wrapped her cuts with a cloth and we put some nutritious, berry juices on her bruises.

I was fixing her blades while Ezran watched over her.

I used a rock to straighten it. I tapped the blades ever so carefully.


While waiting I went over our plans. I scanned through the maps and books. I thought about the schedules too.

Dusk came. Rayla was still unconcsious so this was a big setback for us.

If we wanna get the egg back to its mother we have to move quick the next coming days. (I forgot what episode Zym hatched so forgive me if its wrong.)

I rolled up the map and put it in my bag.

"Ez, how is she?" I turned around.

"She's doing fine." He replied.

I sighed. This was a major problem. If we dont get moving by tomorrow, we'll be delayed for weeks. Not to mention the amount of people on the hunt for us.

I stood up from the rock I sat on. It was getting cold. I took out some leftover bread from the bag and slowly ate it, careful not to damage a tooth.

After that I went to my mat. I looked at Rayla who was layed down beside me.

She looked so peaceful. But hurt at the same time. I mean she did get hurt.

'Rayla if you dont get up tomorrow Im dragging you out of here.' I thought.

I layed down and covered myself with a blanket.

I took a deep breath letting the cold air enter my lungs. I exhaled, smoke coming from my mouth.

I closed my eyes and slept.

'You better wake up tomorrow.' Was my last thought before I fell into my anxious slumber.


A/N: I know this might be a cliffhanger since you dont know what happened to Rayla. I dont know either. I just needed some dramatic scene for Callum to get worried. You know, for the story.😅

Btw, special thanks to Josecullo for voting on my chapters! 😊

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