Chapter Eight

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Keefe's POV

It was finally Christmas morning and Keefe was so excited to give Sophie her gift. He ended up getting her a $30 book voucher and a diamond necklace, which he hoped wasn't too much.

He sat up in bed and looked over to where Fitz usually sleeps but saw that he was gone. Weird, thought Keefe, usually Fitz sleeps in on Christmas.

Keefe got up and went for a quick shower, not wanting to be late to open presents. When he got out he grabbed Sophie's present and headed out the door, making his way to Sophie and Biana's dorm room.

Once he got there he took a minute to check his hair in a hallway mirror before he knocked on the door. He had to knock twice before someone opened it.

"Ugh what do you want Keefe." Biana snapped as she opened the door.

"Um merry Christmas to you to Biana. Is Sophie up?"

"No, but you can come in and wake her if you want." And with that she climbed back into her bed and fell asleep again, he walked in and saw Fitz sleeping on the couch and wondered for a moment why he was here.

He crept toward Sophie's bed and saw that she was indeed still sleeping, she looked so cute when she slept! He crouched down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Sophie's POV

Sophie's was dreaming of a certain blond and blue eyes boy when she woke suddenly to that same boy kissing her forehead.

"Hello." She said whilst she sat up, stifling a yawn. "What are you doing here so early?"

"It's Christmas!" He practically shouted. She blocked her ears. "Oh sorry."

"It's alright. Merry Christmas Keefe."

On the couch Fitz sat up and rubbed his eyes. He had stayed the night over, helping Biana make Christmas cookies all night. Which Sophie found odd but didn't judge.

"Oh hey Keefe sorry I didn't come in last night I was busy." Fitz mumbled as he got up and then left to go to the bathroom.

"So wanna open presents?!?" Keefe asked excitedly.

"Of course!"

"Keep it down I'm trying to sleep here!" Biana said throwing a pillow at Sophie's head.

"I'll go first!" Sophie said. She got up and reached under bed, produced a decent sized box. Keefe raised an eyebrow in question and room the box. He unwrapped it within seconds and went silent, jaw dropped and eyes wide. "Do you like it?"

"I-I love it Sophie." He wiped at his eyes and sat the drawing kit aside. Reaching into his jumper pocket he pulled out a small box and handed it to her.

She unwrapped it slower then him but got there eventually. A small gift card dropped into her lap and she saw that it was a book voucher to her favourite shop, she smiled. The next gift made her gasp. It was a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Keefe how did you afford this?" She asked staring at the necklace.

"That doesn't matter. Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it! I've never had anything this special."

"Here I'll put it on." She twisted around and handed him the necklace. She felt his figures graze her neck as he put it on and she felt herself blush. Once it was she turned around but before she could say anything Biana and Fitz were walking out the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"We always go to our parents for the day. You're welcome to join us." Fitz replied.

Sophie looked to Keefe who seemed to be against the idea, so she shook her head and said goodbye to her friends as they left.

Keefe's POV

As soon as the Vackers were gone keefe jumped up and made his way to the mini kitchen in Sophie's dorm.

"What are you doing?" She asked, fiddling with the necklace.

"Making breakfast." He responded as he opened the fridge to see no food. "Huh I thought you'd have at least some eggs in here."

"Nope." She said popping the p. "Give me a second to get ready and then we can go to a cafe or something to have breakfast."


It took Sophie more than a second to get ready, but Keefe didn't mind. Once she stepped out of the bathroom his jaw dropped. She was wearing a red knee length dress that buttoned all the way down the front and it looked amazing. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

Keefe walked over to her and pulled the bun out.

"I prefer your hair down." He whispered in her ear, she blushed and tried to hide her face behind her hair but he tucked it behind her ear.

"I don't want to fake date anymore." She whispered.

Keefe stepped back, not knowing what to say. It was over. Done for. They'd just be friends now and-

"I want to date you for real." She said when she saw the way he reacted.

He took a breath, stepped forward and brought his mouth to hers.


Ok this is probably the longest chapter I've written so far with like 848 words so I'm super proud about that! And sorry for the cliffhanger, you'll just have to wait and see what happens next. Mwahahaha.
Hope you enjoyed!

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