About to start on his other calf someone decides to knock on Nicolais' bedroom door and open it all in one, "Master Stone, ваши люди готовы к сегодняшней повестке дня с, Miss Galeon." Rue says in Russian standing by the door, raising an eyebrow to me while waiting for him to respond.

Nico seems to snap out of whatever world he was in because he pushes my hands away before grabbing ahold of his legs and helping himself onto his wheelchair by his side. His upper arm strength is outstanding to no one's surprise but still I catch myself eye balling his arms and broad shoulders.

"Send Erica in to help me dress. And Rue get  shoes for Sienna before you leave." Nico says turning wheels and fixing to leave out the bedroom door. But he stops before he reaches the hallway and looks back to me, "give her my Amex card." He held my eyes for a heated moment before leaving.


Maybe she's another maid.

"Let's get you ready, hurry!" Rue chastises me for sitting on the bed for too long and not getting a move on.

Rue helps by twining and pulling my long dark hair into a cute French braid with a red ribbon tying it off. My fresh face now adorning light shades of makeup almost to where its not matching my skin. I put makeup that would match my skin tone into my shopping list I'd already collected in my mind.

I needed tampons, pads, and a razor.

Bras and underwear of course.


I'm basically having to buy everything.

After a long 20 minutes we finish getting myself ready. I'm still wearing a baggy black t shirt and over sized sweat pants that I'd have to roll up twice but it'll do for now. Rue got me some ugly crocks but beggars can't be choosers. I feel like they are hers but I don't say anything. I'm actually excited to be going out and getting away from Nico and the mansion for a bit. Maybe I will gain more brain cells and think about how my life has come to this at some point when my mind is in the midst of spending his money.

Following Rue down the stairs and into the lobby area, four men await. Four? Why so many men, my father always had one of his men sent with me, but four?

I feel myself shrink a little upon their dark stares, one sneers at me, the other bares his teeth. The others had wicked smiles on their breaded faces. None were Nicolais' twins, Dimitri and Donovon. To be honest I'd rather it were them but I know I have no saying in this arrangement. 

We all walk out the front door, two men at the front of me and the other two trailing behind me. Rue leading us to a blacked out SUV.

One of the men opens the door for me, eyes watching my every move with distaste upon his expression, "Get in," he shouts at me, making me startle at his tone, "gold digging whore..." he says under his breath.

It was barely above a whisper but I heard him and I wish I didn't.

Jumping in the vehicle I felt someone pinch the bottom of my ass causing a loud yelp from me. My eyes widen in shock--and disbelief as well. When I turn behind to see who did it.

The door slams closed behind me. I turn my head to see if Rue noticed. She wasn't, she was staring out the other window with a disgruntled expression. 

Two of the men get in the very back of this three section seated SUV while me and Rue are in the middle. The two others take driver and passenger side.

The drive is boring.  No one talked, no one turned on the radio--just silent awkwardness greets me.

I twiddle with my fingers in lap, "um, excuse me sir? Could you turn on some music, please?" I ask rather shyly, I didn't know his name either.

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