Chapter 9: Blood and tears

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The next morning

Jasira had woken up to rays of sunshine hitting her face. For the moment, she thought the events of the previous night were a dream. When she opened her eyes though, she saw that she was not in her own bedroom. She was still in her dress from yesterday. She went up to the door to open it but it was locked. She looked at the windows but it had burglar bars on it. She then saw a note on the side table.

Jasira: "You have a meeting scheduled with my dad. You have 20 minutes to get yourself ready. You might wanna change in case a fight goes down. From Michael".

Jasira looked around the room and saw an outfit for her.

Jasira: I really didn't sign up for all this shit when I decided to go to school.

She showered and changed her outfit. She then brushed her hair and left it loose. She felt something in the pocket of her pants. She took it out and it was her gun.

Jasira: I hope they're all okay.

Soon, she heard the door open. She quickly put her gun back in her pocket and turned around to see Michael and Jacob. He closed the door after entering.

Michael: Hey Jasira.
Jasira: Hey Michael. Who's this?
Michael: This is my friend Jacob. He's going to help us too. Jacob, this is-
Jacob: Jasira. I know who you are.

Jacob tried to take her hand and kiss it but she pushed his hand away from her.

Jacob: *whispering to Michael* Seriously, how'd you end up dating her?
Michael: Leave it alone Jacob. Anyway, are you okay?
Jacob: You can't ask her something like this after your dad kidnapped hers.

Michael glared at Jacob and he kept quiet.

Jasira: I will be after I kill Ethan and, sorry not sorry, your dad.
Michael: I don't blame you. Anyway, my father sent me to fetch you. Just play along, I have a plan.

Jasira nodded and followed them out of the room. They walked past soldiers who were watching Jasira's movements. After a while, they came to a large door. Michael and Jasira looked at each other before going in. When they walked in, Jasira saw a lot of soldiers, Felix, Amara, Ryder and Daniel.

Felix: Jasira, it's been a while since I've seen you. You've grown so much in 2 years.
Jasira: Stop acting like you're some kind of family friend.
Felix: Oh but I used to be.
Jasira: Exactly: "used to be".
Felix: Feisty, aren't you?
Jasira: Just get to the point Felix! What do you want with me?
Felix: I want you to hand over the Diamond Mafia.
Jasira: Do you really think I'd just give it to you? Now I see where Michael gets his stupidity from.
Michael: Hey!

Felix signalled the soldiers to aim their guns at Daniel, Ryder and Amara.

Jasira: I remember saying this to one of your soldiers: Are you really that scared of me that you'd threaten them? If I'm your target, leave them out of this.

Felix told his men to stand down.

Felix: You're so much like your mother.
Jasira: What do you know about my mother other than her death?
Felix: More than you think. Now, you will sign a contract giving the Diamond Mafia to me. Your father has already signed it, so it's your turn. If you show any resistance, I won't hesitate to kill him and your friends.
Daniel: Don't do it Jasira!
Ryder: You can't let him gain control of the mafia!

Jasira looked from them to Felix and sighed. She remembered Michael saying that he has a plan, so she followed along.

Jasira: Fine. I'll do it, just let them go.
Felix: I'll let your father go once you sign the contract. I'll let you have a few minutes with your friends.

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