Chapter 8: Betrayel

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It was finally the night of PROM!! Jasira was in her room getting ready for prom. Rosa had done her hair and Diane helped her into her outfit.

(Her dress⬆️Instead of heels, she's wearing white flats with sequins all over it)

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(Her dress⬆️Instead of heels, she's wearing white flats with sequins all over it)

(Her dress⬆️Instead of heels, she's wearing white flats with sequins all over it)

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(Her hair [style and accessory]⬆️)

Rosa: You look so beautiful Jasira!
Diane: Your date is a lucky one!
Jasira: Thank you!
Diane: Speaking of which, who is your date?
Rosa: Is it Daniel?
Diane: No! it's Ethan, right?
Jasira: It's none of them. Amara is my date.
Diane: You're lesbian now?

Rosa slapped Diane's arm and Diane chuckled.

Jasira: ...I didn't want to have to choose between Daniel and Ethan...
Diane: *teasingly* Are you sure that's the only reason?
Rosa: Diane, chill!
Diane: I'm just kidding!

Diane laughed.

Jasira: It's actually because I'm bisexual.
Diane: I didn't think you'd admit it so confidently.
Jasira: I am proud of it so I might as well show it.
Diane: Enjoy your night and have fun!
Jasira: I will.
Rosa: Be safe.

Jasira nodded and she followed Diane and Rosa out her room.

Jasira's POV
When Diane asked me if I was lesbian,   I hesitated to answer but at least I came put. I guess I actually like Amara... I mean, she's funny, confident and super friendly!

I walked downstairs to find Amara and Dad talking. When they saw me, they turned to me and I swear I saw Amara blush! She looks so gorgeous!

Amara's POV
Tyler, Jasira's dad, and I were talking in the kitchen.

Tyler: Please make sure you keep her safe. And be on guard.
Amara: I will. I'll do anything and everything to keep her safe.
Tyler: And she should be home-
Amara: Latest 11pm. She'll be back on time.

Tyler smiled and his gaze became soft, something I didn't expect the most dangerous mafia leader to have.

Tyler: I'm glad you're protecting my daughter.

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