Chapter 5: Complications

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The next morning

Jasira was eating breakfast when Ryder walked into the kitchen.

Ryder: Morning Sapphire.
Jasira: Morning Ryder. How are you feeling?
Ryder: My head hurts like hell. I feel like I was hit by a truck.
Jasira: Is that a thing that happens when you get drunk?
Ryder: It's called a hangover, and yes.

Jasira drank some of her hot chocolate.

Ryder: Do you know what happened since I got drunk last night?

Jasira froze for a good 2 seconds before debating whether she should tell him or not.

Jasira: out during the mission and you woke up to restrain a captive but it seems you only sobered up this morning.
Ryder: Okay, so nothing too crazy happened?
Jasira: You kissed me but you were just under the influence. Nope...nothing else! Anyway, I should get going now. Rosa will take me to school. Okay bye!

Jasira grabbed her bag and almost flew out of the house.

Ryder: What's going on with her?

Later, at lunch

Jasira was sitting with Macayle, Cameron, Amara and Ashton. Taylor was at extra classes and Daniel was doing hell knows what. Cameron noticed that Jasira was very quiet and that she wasn't eating.

Cameron: Earth to Jasira? Can you hear me?
Jasira: *laughs* Loud and clear.
Cameron: Why are you so quiet?
Macayle: And why aren't you eating?
Jasira: I'm just...thinking about something...
Amara: Like what?
Jasira: Uh...I went to a club with a friend of mine.

They were all surprised.

Cameron: Ooh, party girl!
Jasira: I didn't really do anything! He didn't wanna go alone but he forbade me to drink.
Ashton: What kind of idiot is your friend?
Macayle: Why did you listen?
Jasira: of us had to be sane and sober.
Cameron: So what happened that's stuck on your mind?
Jasira: My friend kissed me...
Macayle: Ooh~
Amara: But he was just under the influence, right?
Jasira: Yeah but I don't think alcohol changes who you are. Drunk talks are sober thoughts.
Cameron: I understand you. Alcohol brings out a person's true colours.
Ashton: Which is why Macayle gets more violent.
Macayle: That's true.

They laughed and continued eating. A few minutes later, Kaitlyn came to their table and asked to speak to Jasira privately. She agreed and they walked out of the cafeteria.

Jasira: What's up?
Kaitlyn: I saw something yesterday. I met up with Josh in the library and he confessed to me.
Jasira: That's great! But why do you seem sad about it?
Kaitlyn: I'm happy he confessed but it's what happened afterwards that shocked me. We heard Ethan on a call with someone. The conversation didn't sound good...
Jasira: What was he saying?
Kaitlyn: He was saying something about "gaining her trust" and that "he won't disappoint'. I don't know what he's planning, or who he's targeting but it doesn't sound good.
Jasira: He could just be planning a surprise for a friend?
Kaitlyn: That's what I thought too, but then he heard me when I knocked some books over. Josh told me to hide under the table while he told Josh he covered for us. It sounded like Ethan believed him but all of a sudden...he shot Josh...

Kaitlyn's eyes teared up and Jasira stood there shocked.

Jasira: Why would Ethan do that? Something us going on...

Jasira hugged Kaitlyn, which surprised her.

Jasira: I'm sorry you had to witness that.
(Author: And I'm sorry I had to write that.)
Jasira: What happened after that?
Kaitlyn: He called someone to clean up the place and left... I didn't think he'd be one to do this. He's always seemed so nice and sweet...
Jasira: I need to talk to him ASAP.

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