Chapter 26 - Entrapment, part 2

Start from the beginning

He just didn't expect fists to start pummeling his side immediately. 

Kohgrash's yells were scratchy and hoarse but no less loud and overwhelming in the small space. 

"Stop, stop!" Rulshkka demanded, grabbing his wrists and pulling them away from his side. He was still sore from their capture, and though he'd never tell Kohgrash, the human's blows hurt. "Kohgrash, little one, it's me. It's okay!" 

The fight sapped out of him rather quickly, for which he was grateful, and Kohgrash collapsed in a heap on the small bed. 

"I don't wanna be here," he spoke up after a few minutes of silence, only broken by his labored breathing. "I wanna go home. Eat Thruul's food. I wanna see Vikka." 

"Well, we cannot," Rulshkka said, a bit more harshly than he meant to. Rubbed raw by the sight of his mother, he couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth. "We are stuck here!" 

"It's not my fault!" Kohgrash hissed, appalled. 

"We could have escaped their ships-" Rulshkka bit his tongue, looking away. He took a deep breath. 

But Kohgrash was not one to back away from a fight. His eyes flashed as his jaw set. His teeth were bared in an unfriendly smile. "Could've escaped if it weren't for me? Is that what you're trying to say?" 

"I did not say it," Rulshkka sneered. Something hot burned behind his chest. "But since you brought it up, yes, we could have!" 

"Well, fuck you, too!" Kohgrash yelled back. "We could have fought back. Aren't you a fucking Vokkrus?! What happened to fighting?!" 

"I have something to live for!" he screamed, suddenly frightened beyond comprehension. He would likely never see his mate or hatchling again. He has heard of no one escaping the Outkasts' clutches. Both he and Kohgrash would die here. 

"And you think I don't?!" Kohgrash seethed, getting right up in his face. He was tiny but no less intimidating. "You fucking bastard!" 

Rulshkka turned away before he said something he regretted. He stared at the unfamiliar walls with anger swirling in his gut. He was scared - he didn't want to be here either. 

Kohgrash paced around the room like a caged animal. Rulshkka suspected that he knew exactly what that felt like. 

"I do not mean to cast blame on you-" he said right as Kohgrash muttered, "I'm sorry, man, I'm just-" 

They both faced each other, silently regarding each other before Kohgrash blew out a loud sigh. He went back to pacing. Rulshkka relaxed, taking his seat on the bed. His eyes burned with exhaustion, but he knew there was no way he'd be able to sleep in a place like this. 

The tension in the room slowly bled out, and instead of frustrated, fearful anger, Rulshkka just felt tired

"They won't... make us do stuff?" Kohgrash asked quietly, staring at the locked door. The metal was thick - Rulshkka certainly wouldn't be able to burst through it any time soon. "Like fight?" 

"No, my little Kohgrash," he murmured, watching as the human's shoulders loosened. "Little is known about the Outkasts, but if they had a fighting ring, it'd be extremely popular." He could name several species that were notorious for intergalactic fights. 

"Do you know where we are?" Kohgrash whispered, leaving the door to climb onto the bed with him. Rulshkka wrapped an arm around his shoulders. His body still ached from the treatment he received earlier in the day. 

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