●A Moment You Share●

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(Let's have a moment about moments)

"Peter," you whined softly, turning in his bed so you could see him where he sat at his desk. You rubbed your eyes and tried to blink out the sleep so you could focus on his figure, though your entire body jumped at the soft hum that emanated from his lips to spur you onward. "How long did I sleep?"

Edmund promised he'd go riding with you later in the day, but apologized hastily on his way to a meeting as he knew that it would extend longer than he'd originally planned and his afternoon hours would be spent debating his point that would ultimately be decided as best. Of course you assured him you understood and that it was no bother to you, that you'd find someone else to go with you.

You'd turned to Susan who apologized as she would be busy with party plans for Edmund's upcoming birthday, and Lucy was stuck in her chambers trying on dresses for said up coming event. Which left you to bother the High King himself.

Much to your own surprise, he looked delighted when he opened the door to your sheepish smile. He'd ushered you inside, softly shutting the door behind you. Though you'd done this before a million times, at the sight of him your resolve crumbled. He was perfect and no matter how hard you tried he'd always make your hands shake, your mouth dry, and your brain mush.

Regardless, you'd ended up sprawled across his bed as he finished his paperwork. Though you assured him you'd be fine, he was set on going riding with you once he was finished to try and make up for his brother's lack. And in the time between his finishing and when you'd arrived, you must have gotten comfortable enough you'd fallen asleep.

"An hour or so," he shrugged. "You looked peaceful, I didn't want to wake you." He stretched his back, letting it arch off the chair with a satisfying pop. "Would you still like to go riding?"

"Oh, yes please!" You'd thrown back the covers, not remembering having snuggled beneath them before your nap - because he'd slid them over you once he realized you were asleep. Peter smiled at your excitement, pulling himself up out of his chair to easily catch you when you began to fall from standing up much to fast.

His left arm cradled you against his chest, the right held your arm as his blue eyes gazed down at you with worry. You'd shuddered at the feeling of safety that flowed warmly through your veins at his such close proximity. "Are you quite alright, love?"

For a second time, you blinked at him. Your hand was positioned just so you could feel his heart steadily beating at what you hoped was a pace that matched your own. Lost for words, you could only nod and manage to stutter, "y...yes, thank you," blushing as red as a tomato as he set you right on your feet, asking just once more the same question to be absolutely sure.

You were missing him. You knew the way you missed him should probably be different from the way his siblings do, but every time they described the empty feeling they felt without him there, you could only nod in agreement.

Edmund and Peter had been planning their trip to Archenland for months. After they'd worked out the details and were preparing to leave Peter fell sick. Since Archenland already made preparations for their political visit, they decided it would be much better for Edmund to go alone than to hurt the pride of the King by canceling last minute.

But just the luck of the youngest Narnian King, a snow storm made traveling between Archenland and Narnia virtually impossible. His trip that was supposed to only last a week extended into months. Months of Peter pacing, much like he is while you try to figure out a movement to trap Orious in his own game.

"Peter, please." You'd finally begged, lifting your head to watch the blonde king.

He looked over, unclasping his hands from behind his back, his eyes softened. "Move your knight," you groaned, but reached for it nonetheless. You had opened your mouth to chide him when a new opinion chirps up.

"Personally I'd move the bishop." You gasped, turning to look at the new voice in the doorway. Silence flooded the room as Edmund smirked triumphantly. "What? No hugs?"

With a jubilant laugh, you sprung from your seat, crashed into his chest and threw your arms around his neck. Edmund matched your laugh, wrapping an arm around your waist he spun you around, placing you firmly back on the ground.

You breathed in his scent, just like you'd remember it being. You felt that familiar of excitement flood your body as you exhale, lifting your head to look in his eyes that twinkled down at you.

"Hey Princess, did you miss me?" You shrugged, dropping your hands so they rested on his built shoulders.

"Mildly." You lied, eliciting an eye roll from him as he went on to hug his sisters and older brother.

Aboard the Dawn Treader, no matter how long you had been at sea, the sickness that came with being jostled by waves would still occasionally hit at night. On clear nights, you'd go above deck and sit with your legs dangling off the bow above the deck below. From here, you'd watch the stars roll by as the churning in your stomach began to settle. Many times, you'd fall asleep and Caspian, who was still awake to make sure you remained safe, would carry you back to your bed.

On a certain lonely night, you'd just closed your eyes when you felt a pair of strong arms slide beneath your knees and across your upper back. You immediately snuggled into the warm chest of your mystery man and smiles at the familiar scent of ink, wood, and the distinct ocean mist. "Caspian?" You asked in a soft voice.

The King had simply smiled down at you as if he wasn't startled by your realization. "Hello, Your Highness," you'd cursed yourself as a blush painted across your cheeks at the twinkle in his eyes.

"You're amused."

"Amused? Me? At your expense?" He asked, feigning surprise at your statement. "You know I would never." Against your better judgement, you'd let out a soft whine, burying your head in his broad chest, listening to his delighted chuckle vibrate through his body.

"Would you just put me down?" You gave an exasperated sigh and relaxed, only slightly, when he'd laid you down.

"Sure you don't want me to stay?" You looked up at him and searched his eyes. Behind the playfulness, you found a hint of sincerity, as if he was truly asking if you wanted him to stay.

"I wouldn't mind the company," he didn't need anymore of an invitation to plop down beside you. He snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you towards him so you were pressed against his side like he knew the way it was making your heart jump excitedly.

"Goodnight, Your Highness."

"Goodnight, Caspian."

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