Chapter 34 Low Blow after Low Blow

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August 3, 2020
Monday Night Raw
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California

Raw tonight is guaranteed as another action packed edition after witnessing cracks in the supposed Tag Team Unit of the Hurt Business as well as in the Riott Squad. With both competing tonight, it remains to be seen if the chemistry is still there or if the solid units are losing their unity.

Monday Night Raw
First Hour
Number One Contender Match for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships
Bella Twins (Nikki and Brie Bella) v. Riott Squad (Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott)

Mike Rome: The following contest is a Number One Contender's Tag Team Match for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships. First, from Scottsdale, Arizona Hall of Famers, Nikki and Brie, the Bella Twins!

The Bellas did their entrance as the Commentary team hyped up the match.

Joe: I know it's odd for Hall of Famers to return to active competition like this but it's for a good cause. They have unfinished business and wish to add Women's Tag Team Champions to their already padded legacy.

Byron: Sure that's fine and all, but it did it have to be at the expense of the Riotts?

Joe: The Riotts aren't headed anywhere. So maybe the Bellas are right and the Riotts are placeholders. It was quite nice they got bark as bad as their bite but it is what it is.

Mike Rome: And their opponents, Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan, the Riott Squad!

Joe: In comes the cannon fodders. Liv and Ruby should just lay down out of respect to these Hall of Famers!

Byron: Joe, it isn't that way. Last time these two faced off, the Riotts were on the offensive. Now it's the other way around!

Joe: Bellas now have a chance to add their name as champions. Something the Riotts will never ever do!

Match Start
Liv and Nikki start the match as Nikki mocks Liv by doing the "You Can't See Me" taunt of John Cena. Liv sees it and acts unflinched. Nikki adds further Insult to Injury by saying...

Nikki: John's bigger and you'll never EVER have the pleasure of having him!

Liv: *nods* he dumped you!

Nikki: But I've had him and you never will! 

Liv is agitated as she hits Nikki with a Thesz Press as a catfight ensues until the referee breaks up the two legal competitors before he throws the match out due to disqualification

Highlights of the Match
- Nikki hits Liv with a Jumping Snapmare Takedown
- Liv hits Nikki with the Step Up Enziguiri then a Corner Double Foot Stomp before Ruby tags in
- Ruby hits an STO on Nikki
- Brie hits a Flying Clothesline
- Nikki hits a Running Dropkick on Liv and mocks her with Liv's taunt
- Brie hits Ruby with the Yes Kicks before hitting a head kick 
- Liv hits the Double Leg Corner throw on Brie as Ruby catches Brie with the Deadly Night Shade

End of the Match
Brie was the legal woman as Liv tags Ruby after the Leg Corner Throw-Deadly Night Shade sequence. Brie rolls out of the ring as Nikki plays possum and assumes the position by the Riott Squad's corner. 

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