Chapter 16 Babysitting

466 11 59

May 19, 2020
Detroit, Michigan

Don wakes up alone in his room since due to the booking, he got the solo room while MVP had a room with his son. Lashley, Cedric and Shelton had to share a room. After doing his morning stretches, he received a text from Liv.

Liv: Donny, morning! Hope you're awake. Can't wait for you baby...I mean for us to babysit Camden with you

Don's mind: Yeah babe...I mean, shoot. 

Don replies to Liv's text

Don: Sure G. Until later

A few minutes after having some room service breakfast and showering, he was watching some TV until he heard knocking on the door. He then looked through the peephole to see Liv dressed up like...

 He then looked through the peephole to see Liv dressed up like

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Don blushed a bit and played a joke on her.

Don: Who is it?

Liv: Oh, it's Huggies service for one big and strong man?

Don chuckled a bit before he opened the door to see Liv squirrelling about and then wrapping herself to Don in a Huggies

Liv: Donny~ Donny~

Don: You're in a way Hugging mood than usual - chuckles -

Liv: Because I will be spending a day with my favorite neighboorhood friendly Donny~ - smiles -

Don closed the door as he walked with Liv wrapped on him tight in a Huggies until he received a text message from MVP.

Don: Uhhh mind if I read my phone?

Liv: Hmm... - taps her index finger on her chin like she's thinking - NOPE! - giggles - read it like I'm not even here

Don: Even if it involves...this? 

Don then begins to poke her exposed sides, to which Liv begins to laugh and beg.

Liv: Donny...pweeze no! I might let go of the Huggies and fall on my pweety butt and you don't want me hurting and crying that I land on my tushy 

She made this appeal with sad puppy eyes, to which Don gave in and stopped. Liv giggled

Liv: Now go read the message

Don read the message from MVP.

Don: Oh, mentor's already at the lobby. He will meet us there along with Camden.

Liv: Oh! We will be babysitting. Yay!

Don: I thought you wouldn't be...okay with

Liv: Nah, come on Donny. Time to show my Fun Aunty Livvvy skills aren't limited to newborns! 

Liv lets go of the Huggies and grabs Don by the wrist as he starts to get ready for their babysitting errand.

Hotel Lobby
MVP and his son Camden were waiting by the lobby.

Hustle Livin' (OC x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now