Chapter 13 Refresher

415 9 121

May 6, 2020
Wonderland Ranch
Don woke up and felt something on top of it. Turns out that something is actually someone as he saw strands of blonde hair in his hands. He then saw an adorable sight on top of him. A sleeping, smiling Liv Morgan, nuzzling her cheek at times against Don's chest.

Don melted at the sight but he tried to fight with willpower. Much as they are friends and getting to know each one, he would not want to have her feel "poking down south." So he calmly tries to wake Liv up, despite the adorable sight.

Don: Gionna.... - rubs her clothed back -

Liv just grunts sleepily while nuzzling her cheek on Don's chest

Liv: - sleepy voice - Don't let go of the hug.... pweeze? - moves her leg on Don's waist -

As Liv feels something hard touch her knee and stomach, she blushed in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes.

Liv: Do.. Donny? 

Don: Gionna

Liv breaks the hug and blushes as she rolls to her side of the bed

Liv: Donny, why...was I on top of you?

Don: Well, last night you were having a bad case of night terrors

Liv: Oh... - blushes - 

Don: But not to worry, I just held you in my arms until you calmed down. Nothing more than that. - blushes too -

Liv saw that both of them were a blushing mess and felt a poke down south regardless of Don trying to stop such occurrence. She tested the waters and made a snide remark

Liv: At least you can now brag to your friends that we slept on the same bed - giggles -

Don: Liv, I really don't think that will go down well ... - blushes - like you'd think

Liv: Hey, with me it's believable - giggles - Come on Donny, time for breakfast (mind: I so felt a poke on my knee earlier and for sure his hands were on my back)

Liv walked a bit and Don cannot help but see her jiggling and shapely butt move about. He knew she wanted space after Enzo and then followed suit right after. 

As Don did some morning stretches, he saw that Liv preparing some breakfast as she prepared some scrambled eggs and some bread. 

Liv was about to prepare the morning drinks as she brought out some tea and water and asked Don.

Liv: Donny, what do you want with your breakfast? Coffee, Tea, Milky?

Don's mind: Your Milky....

As Don entertained that thought, he shook his head and said

Don: Well, I always wanted to taste fresh milk

Liv: Fresh milk? - looks at Don confused -

Don: Farm Fresh milk! Like the ones from the cows

Liv: Ohh! - giggles - silly me. Alright, bear with me as I don't like milk but I got bottles here in case of guests.

Don and Liv had breakfast and shared some small talk with a giggle here and some funny, wacky story of the past there. Once they have finished and let one another wash up in turns, Liv saw the caretaker arrive and knew that she will leave to the caretaker the farm. 

As Liv was about to leave her home at Wonderland Ranch, Piggles, Spirit and Nala began to approach their owner and whimpered. Liv was caught in an adorable furry trap but petted each one and reassuringly said

Hustle Livin' (OC x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now