Chapter 6 DON't regret LIVing

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Backstage, After Raw

Don was waiting for the Riotts as he was able to clean up and change into more comfortable clothing. Don was always known to pride in dressing properly but given that he was headed to a steakhouse, he opted to go for a casual shirt and pants combination. 

Once he was done packing his things, he proceeded to head out to his rental car until he saw Ruby ready to leave. All she was waiting for is for Liv to leave their locker room.

Ruby: - from outside the room -I thought you were hungry, G. What's taking so long?

Liv: I know, Rue Rue! But I need to see what clothes match with my Jordans! - screams - 

Ruby: You brought Jordans to the arena? No wonder your luggage is heavy! 

Liv: But they're essential Rue Rue, Jordans is life! 

Ruby: - sighs - whatever you say G.... - sees Don and smirks - hey you!

Don: Hey Ruby! So, she taking long?

Ruby: So long that - makes her voice loud so Liv hears it - I just wanna ditch Gionna here and have you to myself

Liv: - from inside the locker room - Nooooo!

As Liv said this, she stormed out of the locker room but already decked out like this...

Ruby saw Liv and had the look on her face that said, "Finally!" Don however saw different

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Ruby saw Liv and had the look on her face that said, "Finally!" Don however saw different. Maybe it was in seeing her in her gear or that faint time from that club night. He never saw her wearing casual clothes, and to him, she is just slaying to the point he was staring at her.

Liv: - sees Ruby - There, I'm done! - then sees Don glancing - Donny! Donny? - waves her hand at Don's face -

Don: - snaps out - oh shoot! Sorry Liv. You just look... 

Liv: - acts adorable - look what Donny? - gives Don the puppy eye look -

Don: - embarrassed -  ohh.... Alright, you're beautiful! - covers - oh geez this is awkward.

Ruby was giggling and smirking as Liv was giggling as well and a blushing mess. Ruby then saw her friend and their new acquaintance turn into a pair of blushing fools. She then asked Liv.

Ruby: G, aren't you hungry? The food won't arrive unless we get there. Unless you're staring and blushing at your dinner? - giggles -

Liv: - snaps out of the trance and blushing more - Rue Rue! Come on! You're making it more awkward with Donny....- sees Don still blushing - Donny?

Don: - snaps out of his trance but able to regain composure - oh. Hey we both need to go. The reservation might expire and you both have your stuff right?

Ruby: - carrying her stroller bag and sports bag on top - oh yeah I'm good. Not sure about Princess Gionna here. 

Liv: Come on! Stop piling on me!! - pouts then responds to Don - got my stuff here Donny! - giggles and pulling her stroller bag and purse.

Hustle Livin' (OC x Liv Morgan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora