Kit, I think I know-.

"Menma! Come down here!" Memory yelled.

He dropped like a leaf and landed softly next to Houki, who didn't even bat an eye.

"What did it say?" Menma asked eagerly: his gut was telling him they needed to leave.

Memory flicked her long hair.

"It says "Dimension Meet Jutsu" and then lists a bunch of conditions. Apparently, we switched universes."

Both Houki and Menma were silent, until Houki asked:

"Does it say how to get back? Or anything about the universe we are in? Or is it complicated?"

Memory sighed. "It says its only one way. So I'm guessing if we want to get back, we have to find this dimension's scroll."

Menma groaned, face palming. "That's gonna be impossible!"

"Don't be such a quitter," Memory scolded.

"I'm not! It's just gonna be really hard is all!"

"So not impossible?"

"Gah! Don't twist my words Pinky!"

Menma knew he'd made a mistake when Memory reactivated her Byakugan. She's almost as scary as Aunt Hinata, Menma thought before throwing up his hands in surrender.

"Jeez calm down Mem'."

"Menma, Memory," Houki said warningly. Menma had heard the stories of Houki's father, the Sixth Hokage, in his prime: his prowess with the Sharingan. And Menma had a feeling that they'd both be in a genjutsu if Houki had inherited that eye.

Houki rubbed his forehead, brown and silver hair looking fluffier than ever. Then he looked at Menma.

"Do you know where we are? If this is another dimension, it could be that we didn't actually leave the Leaf."

Menma nodded and pointed behind him.

"Just a little ways back there is the training field that Konohamaru Sensei took us to to train. I could see the brook and wooden logs from the tree."

"So we are in the Leaf," Memory muttered, reactivating her Byakugan to check. "Should we go down to the village?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Houki said, his pointer finger resting on his chin. "What if we encounter ourselves?"

"Somehow, I doubt that would happen," Menma murmured. A breeze swept through the little clearing, tousling the hair and clothes of the three dimension travelers. Houki sighed.

"We have nothing better to do. Let's go check it out and steal the scroll."


"Big Brother Konohamaru is late!" Boruto whined, his hands behind his head. The young Uzumaki was bursting with energy, but with no sensei, they couldn't go on a mission. "They" being his teammates Sarada Uchiha and Mitsuki (he had no last name: Boruto assumed if he did it'd be "Orochimaru"). Sarada, who was irritated and tired from their previous mission, shot Boruto a look. He only stuck out his tongue at her, squeezing his blue eyes shut and wrinkling the whiskers on his face. A light laugh came from behind the two as Mitsuki watched their antics, amused by their rivalry.

"Go off on your own if you're so bored," Sarada said, pushing her side fringe to the side. Boruto pouted.

"But it's no fun alone."

"I don't care."


"Baka Boruto."


Dimension Meet: Menma and BorutoWhere stories live. Discover now