"Of course you can Kenna" I open up the cabinet and take the shirt out. It's like Noah's smell was locked up in the cabinet along with the jacket. It smelt just like him. Just the sweaty hockey boy version. I placed the shirt on Kenna and it was massive.

Georgia pinned it up at the front so it looked half her size now. "Good enough" I say. "On the ice you go Kenna"

She waddles onto the ice and within 7 little steps she falls over. "Oh it's not even cold and it didn't hurt"

"That's why you have so many layers on silly" I say. Kenna crawls on the ice, she starts to roll over and mess about for 5 minutes.

"You coming on the ice?" I ask Georgia.

"Let her skate for a-bit and then I will, focus on her"

I skate over to her and stand her on her feet. "Right now you've had your fun your gonna skate like me okay?"


I stand behind Kenna and hold her hands above her head directing her like she's a puppet. "See it's easy" We continue for awhile and she tries on her own.

Kenna skates making it look like she has been for years. "See Kenna your a pro"

Georgia is sitting on the edge by the seats. She sees Kenna skating on her own and starts waving at her to let Kenna know she's watching.

"Okay I want a stick now Jordan"


"Yes" she says sticking her arms out so she balances.

"Oooo go Kenna, if you say so" I skate over and grab two sticks. "Here you go"

It takes her awhile to get the hang of holding the stick but within 5 minutes or so she was fine. "Kenna you was definitely born a pro"

"I want to do this as a sport. Can I? Please? This is so more fun" she begs.

"I'll check with your mum but i'm sure she will let you"

"Kenna smiles through her helmet and skates about, slowly but it's skating.

I hear the doors open and turn to look. It's our coach. Old coach even. "Is that the Jordan Adams" he yells across the ice. He stood on the edge with his arms leant over.

"Kenna go skate toward that man over there" She did. I followed her.

"Hi coach" I said. He hugged me from over the wall between us.

He peered down, Kenna peered up. "Oh my that's definitely Ryders child. It's his double. I can't believe you haven't let me meet her sooner. What's your name?" he asks her.

"I'm Kenna" she says looking up at him.

"Hello Kenna. I love your shirt"

"It's my daddy's" she said it so proudly.

"I can see that. Is it your first time skating?"

"Yeah but Jordan says i'm really good at it though"

"I can see that you are for a beginner. You might be the next Ryder on my team"

"Really!" Kenna squeals.

"Of course! If your anything like your dad you'll get very far in life" coach says to her.

Kenna gets all giddy, I love seeing her like this. "Jordan I need a drink"

"After Kenna"

"No. Now"

"Kenna everything's closed, you'll have to wait"

"I can open the cafe up if you'd like me to, only for you though Kenna" coach says.

"Yes please"

I take Kenna over to where Georgia is and take all her stuff off. "I'll take her" coach says. "You two can stay. Hello again Georgia"

"Hi" she says back.

We watch as coach walks off with Kenna. "She's going to ask him so many questions about Noah isn't she" Georgia says.

"Of course she will" we both laugh.

"Look" she says. Georgia pulls a polaroid out from her bag. It was from today, when I was on the ice with Kenna.

"You took this?" I ask her. I take the picture off her.

She picks up Noah's old camera. "You have it on you?"

"It feels right now. Kenna's getting older, she's asking more and more questions about Noah. Now she's even taking up the sport he done. I need to start somewhere"

"Very proud of you" I say hugging her. "Now get on the ice"

"Really Jordan"

"Yes. Right now. Let's go"

She slowly puts her skates on and I drag her onto the ice. "You remember how to skate right?"

"Kinda, been awhile"

"You could say that about something else too" I laughed.

"Shut up Jordan" she went to hit me and forgot she was on ice and almost slipped.

"Your worse than Kenna. Look hold my hands i'll drag you along"

"How you can't go backwards"


"Oh no you can't"

I grabbed her hands and started to skate backwards with her in-front of me. "Your insane Jordan" she laughs.

I get faster and so does she. "Stop slow down" she said. I slam my skates to the side to a complete stop. "Not like that" she laughs. Georgia was more or less standing on my skates.

We was both just standing there in the middle of the rink. It was quiet. Kenna wasn't here. Nobody, it was just us. No words was spoken. We was just looking at each-other, but enough had been said in them moments. I removed my hands from hers and placed them on her face. I gave her a moment to move my hands but she didn't. I kissed her once. We both stopped and thought about it. No words were said. Georgia put her arms around my neck and pulled me in again. We kissed again and again. Until we heard the doors open and the sound of Kenna running over. We was back in reality once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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