Chapter Eight

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"Aren't you just the cutest bunny ever" I say to Kenna.

"I am" she admits.

Caroline and Arthur laugh at her. "We can't wait to watch your play Kenny" Caroline says to her.

"I'm the best one there. Make sure you can see me" she says.

"I will do Kenna" Arthur says to her. We're outside Kenna's school waiting for Oakley. Late as usual.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm here your all saved. Hi Kenna" Oakley said running over and hugging Kenna. Oakley stands up and I mess her hair up.

"Jordan are you serious, I was late for a reason, hint getting ready not for you to mess it all up"

"It's going to be dark in there, nobody can see you" Arthur says.

"Well we never know who we can run into" Oakley says.

"Oakley has a crush on Kenna's teacher, hence the dressing up" Georgia snitches on her.

"Georgia!" Oakley death stares her. "Hush"

Kenna covers her mouth like it's the most dramatic news she's heard in her 4 years of living. "You like Mr. Barnard!" Kenna shouts.

People start to look round at us and Oakley starts to push Kenna into the school. "Shh Kenna let's go"

We're sitting in the audience. Front row seats as clearly there's something going on between Oakley and Kenna's teacher. We're waiting for it to start. We can tell Kenna is getting impatient as she's sitting with her arms crossed and stomping her feet on the ground.

When the play started Kenna took over. The spotlight was on her. She was saying all the other kids lines and correcting them when they was wrong. She danced... well moved about, I was already expecting these dance moved as I watched her at her dance class. The child has no rhythm.

Georgia sat with her hand over her nose and mouth, looking at Kenna trying not to laugh. Arthur, Caroline, Oakley and I sat there laughing not being able to hold it back.

After the play finished, we stood by the door waiting for Kenna. She was talking to all her friends, probably lecturing them on how bad they all was compared to her.

"God Noah would have loved that" Georgia said.

"Yeah he would've" I said smiling. Georgia never really brings him up with subjects that involve Kenna.

Oakley smiled and hugged Georgia.

"Hi" Kenna said strutting over. All her rabbit face paint had worn off and was all smudgy.

"Well done Kenna, definitely the next star in the family" Arthur said. He handed Kenna a bouquet of flowers he got her for the show. You couldn't even see Kenna's face when she was holding them so Georgia held them for her.

"That was amazing Kenny" Caroline said. "Really stole the show up there"

"They just needed to be told" Kenna said putting her hands on her hips and huffing.

"Definitely a 60 year old woman in there somewhere Georgia" I say laughing and picking Kenna up.

It's getting late so everyone heads home. We're in the truck driving home. Moana in the background. "I've got an idea" I say turning the music down.

"Oh no" Georgia says.

"Kenna should try ice hockey out"

"Jordan that's so dangerous, what if she gets hurt" Georgia says.

"Then she will get up and try again. Gotta remember she's Noah's daughter, she's got the ice hockey gene in her she will be a pro"

We both go quiet. We both remember that what I just said was said the night they announced she was pregnant with Kenna.

"Obviously not straight away, we can take her to skate and she if she even likes it first. I think she'd love it" I say breaking the silence.

"Is that what you and daddy did Jordan?" she asks.

"Yeah it's what we used to do all the time. Even just for fun. I think you'd like it Kenna. You can't follow routine and with ice hockey there is no routine just glide and hit shi-

"Jordan" Georgia side eyes me.

"Just glide and hit stuff" I repeat.

"I wanna do that. Can I? Please" she asks.

"Up to your mum Kenny"

Georgia sits there staring out the window. Thinking about it. She turns the front view mirror to face Kenna. "Of course you can"

Kenna gets all excited in her car seat and starts to fidget about. "We can go tomorrow, i'll come pick you both up in the morning okay?"

"Okay" Georgia says as well pull up outside their house. She gets out and gets Kenna out of her chair.

"See you tomorrow Jord" Kenna says waving.

"Bye Kenna" I wave back. I watch them walk up the drive into their home and then I drive home.

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