Chapter Six

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We woke up in a Disney hotel. We only got one room. Kenna got the Disney themed room with a carriage bed and Disney characters all over the walls. Georgia had the bed and I took the couch. If you went onto the balcony you had the whole view of the park and castle. Every 4 year old girls dream.

Last night Georgia and I stayed up setting up all the birthday banners and balloons for Kenna. Even though we're at Disneyland we gave her a few presents, mainly for here and she'd have the rest when she got home. We went into her room and woke her up.

"Happy birthday Kenna" Georgia said whilst tucking Kenna's hair behind her ears so she could see.

"Happy birthday Kenny" I say standing at the door watching her and Georgia. Georgia picks her up and takes her into the living space of the hotel room. When she saw all the pink wrapping paper and balloons she woke up instantly.

"Are they mine?" she asked.

"No there all for me" I said. That made her run over and open them as fast as she could.

"What's this?" she asked.

"It's a book, for today. If you see Moana she can sign your book. Or if you want to take pictures with her you can put them in there either works" Georgia explained to her.

"I can take pictures with them like daddy took pictures on his camera?" she asked.

Kenna was staring at us for an answer. I was waiting for Georgia to answer but she just stood there like she was about to breakdown. "Yes exactly like how your daddy took his pictures" I said then she carried on opening her presents.

I looked over and Georgia and mouthed "It's okay, just breathe" she nodded her head and when Kenna opened her next present she showed Georgia and Georgia made the surprised look like she had no idea.

"Minnie Mouse ears! Pink ones!" Kenna said. She put them one straight away.

"Kenna there on backwards" I told her.

"No there not" she insisted.

I held my hands high because of her stubbornness and didn't want to get told off by a 4 year old today. Georgia laughed. She wasn't sad anymore. She was happy watching her daughter on her birthday. I always wonder if Georgia see's Noah in Kenna. I do. Everything she does. Even then, I tried to help her but she's to proud of herself to admit the help.
Exactly like Noah.

After awhile we headed down to the park. Id never seen Kenna smile so much. She was strutting about with her pink Minnie Mouse ears. She saw all her favorite characters. Especially Moana. Kenna practically tackled her to the floor when she saw her. She got both the autograph and picture.

Kenna also has a new love for rollercoasters. We took her on a few but then she kept eating cotton candy and was telling us she felt sick.

Watching Kenna makes me happy i'm here to watch her grow up and experience all this. Then there's moments where I feel bad i've taken my best friends space in his daughters life. Then i'll see Kenna smile and I'm reminded why i'm filling the empty space. It's what he asked me to do.


"Yes Kenna"

"Ice-cream?" she looked up at me and smiled. How can I say no. I never can. I looked over to Georgia who's already rolling her eyes and she knows what the answers going to be.

"I'll get you ice-cream if you get a bit of flavor in your bowl, last time you bullied your tastebuds" I picked her up and put her on my shoulders as we walked around to find ice-cream. When we did it came to no shock that, Kenna got Vanilla.

I was holding Kenna, she was asleep. We was walking back to our room. Georgia opened the door and I put Kenna down in her bed. I walked back out and Georgia was on the balcony looking over at the park. I went and sat down next to her.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She side eyed me like I should already know the answer. Which I do. Of course she's not okay.

"Well done today" I say.

She looks over confused. "Well done for being strong for Kenna all day. I know it's hard but your a pro at it" Then her eyes started to water.
"Oh don't cry now you've made it the whole day" I say trying to fix things.

She laughs. "I know it's stupid you'd think i'd be over it by now"

"I don't think that, nobody thinks that" I reassure her.

"I can't even talk to Kenna about her own dad Jordan, it's stupid" she's sitting with her legs crossed and she's hugging them with her head in her knees facing me.

"Kenna doesn't notice. Georgia she has me and Oakley and even her own grandparents to talk to her about Noah, all your job is to look after her as her mother and the way she's turning out your clearly doing something right"

She laughs and wipes her eyes. "Thanks to you, sometimes all I see in Kenna is you"

"Me?" I ask.

"Come on Jordan she adores you, she copies everything you say, like the other day she called Santa a lazy cow. She copies the way you look at people, your attitude is the main trait in her" Georgia had stopped crying by the time she finished talking.

"I always thought it was Noah I could see in her"

"She's Noah's twin no matter of the doubt, every little detail but, Kenna has grown up with you as a father figure and from all the little cute things to the massive outbursts she's got your personality all over"

I can feel myself start to tear up, but I don't like to cry. I try to firm it out. "Jordan i've seen you breakdown in-front of me, a few tears is nothing" We both laugh. I walk over to Georgia and stand her up. We both hug.

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