mtl: To have pda in public

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- Sunghoon is more of the jealous type, so whenever you're in public he'd be very clingy.
- Not very many kisses, but if anyone looked at you he'd kiss you and glare at them.
- Never thinks of being shy when it comes to you. Maybe in the camera's eye, but never if someone is looking at you in a way only he could.


- The boy is just very clingy. He'd hold your hand, and hold onto you at all times.
- Even if you left him for two seconds, as soon as you came back he'd pepper your face with kisses.
- Dosen't really mind if people see you, as he thought it was a normal thing.


- Since Heeseung is the eldest, he wouldn't really be that touchy with you around the members. He wanted to seem mature.
- But when the six other boys weren't around he had either his eyes or his arms on you where ever you went.
-It's not that he was clingy, jealous, or anything like that, he just loved the warmth you brought him. You were about a hundred times better than a blanket.


- Since Jay wants to keep his manly/gentleman act up at all times, he isn't VERY touchy with you in public.
-He may not be very touchy, but he always has a hand at the small of your back to guide you wherever you were going.
-But sometimes, if you were at a party, or something very social, he'd snake his arm around your waist without saying a word. He does this because he knew you were the best looking girl/guy in the room. But it was these small things that gave you butterflies.


-Even though he was very clingy at home, he wasn't very confident about pda in public spaces. Of course, he holds your hand everywhere but that's about it.
- He dosen't know how you'd feel about it, and he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed at all.
- But whenever you'd be alone, he'd get very touchy and clingy with you again.


- Dosen't really mind it, he just dosen't like it when people look at you. Since South Korea is still a conservative country, whenever he'd touch you at all, people would look.
-Sometimes kisses your cheek, but on very rare occasions.
- A lot different when at parties though. Clings onto you like there's no tomorrow.
- He knows that at parties people look at you all the time, so if he was latched onto you, they'd have to see him too.


-Niki isn't very sure about physical touch, therefore he dosen't really like being touchy in public.
-The only time he's ever kissed you in public was when some guys kept staring at you and he was getting a bit mad.
- At parties he'd follow you around, and occasionally hug your waist but nothing more.

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