How People See You As A Couple

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The mature but funny couple

-Since he's the eldest, people likely see you maturely. And since you guys control the teasing and flirting to a minimum when with the members, they think you're a bit conserved.
-But when you two are alone, you two are the most loud and open couple ever.
-The two of you joke around a lot, and are very touchy when you're in public.
-Heeseung likes to make the members jealous, but he doesn't necessarily make them uncomfortable. There's definitely a line drawn when with the members.


The Flirty But Conserved Couple

-The two of you flirt all the time at home, sometimes you don't even realize it.
-But when with other people, you two are a bit more shy. There's definitely still flirting, but more on the down low. It's more of whispering in each others ears almost silently.
-The boys think you two are a very shy couple, but Jay just dosen't like everyone seeing and watching his love life likes it's a show.


The Clingy Couple

-Whenever Jake is with you he clings onto you like there's no tomorrow. No matter where you are, his arms are always attached to your waist.
-You aren't as clingy as him, but you always allow him to hold onto you because you were secretly a bit clingy as well.
- Even in front of the members, he held onto you, it was like you were a literal part of his body since birth.


The Hard To Understand Couple

- You two are a different couple everyday. Sometimes you're clingy, and other days you hardly even look at each other.
- You two do that just to throw people off. The two of you are very very VERY flirty when you're not around anyone else.
- Sunghoon is very clingy, but he never lets the members know that he's a total simp for you.
- If anyone ever saw how he gave you not the princess treatment, but the Queen treatment he'd be embarrassed.


The cute couple

- Even if they try to call you corny or gross, everyone knows that you two make the cutest pair in the world.
- People may think that you two are flirty, but you give each other lots of compliments, and people mistake it for flirting.
-You two adore each other to the fullest and never get mad at each other. Some people don't even believe how perfect you are.


The shy couple

-The two of you are shy people in general so it wasn't a surprise that people think of you as a shy couple.
- The secret is, at home, you guys aren't shy at all. Jungwon is very comfortable around you, it's just a natural feeling.
- But since people don't see you alone, they think you guys are very very shy and aren't touchy. Little did they know, at home you guys can't get enough of each other.


The Quiet Couple

- No one ever sees the two of you talk a lot. Most of the time when you were with members, you were watching movies on the couch.
- Movies were how you bonded, since you had the same taste in about everything. Movies were the only exception for free cuddles from riki.
- Whenever the guys look at you two it looks like your just watching the movie, but under the blanket, your legs are in a knot together, and he's playing with your fingers.

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