The dogs go running towards the garage door as their tails wag once they realized who it was. You see them jump up as Eren walks down the hallway, hair in a bun, black pants, and a black button shirt that already had the tie taken off and a few buttons undone. "I know, I know. I missed you guys too." He chuckled as he attempted to walk towards the kitchen.

"C'mon you two, I just wanna see your mom." Eren begged but he's been gone for two weeks, they weren't going to just let him be.

"Zeus! Rhea! Come here!" You yell out to try and help the situation but neither would listen. You stood up and walk over to take a good look at Eren, you missed him. His smile, his scent, everything. You cross your arms over your chest and lean against the door frame to the kitchen.

Eren looks at you and smiles, "it smells delicious in here, did you make something?"

"I did, but I only made enough for me. No idea you were coming home this early." You reply, "you want me to make you something?" Eren shook his head, "no I'm okay. Thank you though." You turn around and walk over to the table to put your plate away. It's almost awkwardly quiet between you two right now, you were unsure why.

"Everything okay Princess?" Eren broke the silence after a few seconds and walked over to you placing his hand on your back and gently rubbing it. You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling and take a deep breath, "yeah it just felt awkward for a second, almost like you had to tell me something."

"I do."

It got quiet again, and his hand found his way around your hip, grabbing you and pulling you towards him. He grabbed your chin and pressed his lips against yours, gently licking your lips. He tasted sweet and slightly minty. It's been two weeks since you felt him touch you, the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand as you felt electricity flow through your body.

He was leaning against the counter while facing you, his leg in between your thighs. "I missed you so much," you cooed as you pulled away from him. He continued to softly kiss your jawline, down your neck, and to your chest - letting out small moans because even the slightest touch in this moment would make you burst.

Your breathing became heavier as your hardened nipples brushed against your baggy shirt, and your swollen cunt rubbed against your damp underwear.


"Hm?" He replied quietly, enjoying his time with you in the kitchen.

Before you could respond you hear your front door burst wide open, "good morning fuckers!" Connie appeared around the corner and you and Eren didn't move from your positions but looked straight at Connie.

"What the hell did I tell you about letting yourself in without letting me know you're here?!" Your eyes were wide and your eyebrows furrowed as Connie began to laugh. "What? It's not like I've never seen you two make out before y/n."

"That's not the point Connie, that's our business...I wouldn't do that to you. Also, Zeus and Rhea could literally mistake you as an intruder one day! You need to be smart!"

He threw both his hands up knowing he was in the wrong and turned to walk towards the living room, "sorry sorry, you're right. I don't wanna be dog chow." Connie sat down and turned on the tv as you and Eren looked at each other wondering what the hell just happened and why he's been coming over unannounced more than usual.

"I'm gonna go put some pants on." You say in a disappointed tone, and walk away out of the kitchen and into your room. You look at the time and realize Annie will be over in less than an hour to come get you and you decide to just change and get ready quickly and ask Connie questions later.

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚|𝑬𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now