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'Oh, my baby, I'm so proud of you.' His mom hugs his him tightly.

'Mom?' He is confused

'I am so proud of you. You never stay quiet when you have something to say. I'm happy you're not like me.' She hugs him even tighter

'You raised me like that, mom. You and dad.' He hugs her back.'Oh, and you as well.' He talks to me. 'God forbid I don't say everything I think.' He jokes

'You're welcome.' I do a little curtsey as a joke

'Thank you for sticking by his side, Aera. I'm happy you two have each other.' She gives me a hug, too

'We're family, remember?' I hug her back. His mom is the most wonderful woman you could imagine.

'Wanna stay?' Jimin asks. We haven't stayed over at his in a while

'If that's alright with you.' I ask his mom

'Please, honey. Since when do you even need to ask?' She laughs, pinching my cheek. Even I don't know why I asked. I'm weird even to myself.

'Let's go watch a movie.' Jimin takes my hand and heads to his room
He threw himself on the bed as soon as we got in the room, making me chuckle.

'Are you okay?' I ask, sitting next to him

'I just need to get my mind off him. He pisses me off.' He grunts, his face buried in the pillow

'Really? I never would have noticed.' I tease

'Come here, you little shit.' He giggles, pulling me into a hug, throwing me on my back. He started tickling me until I couldn't breathe.

'Sorry, sorry. Stop it! I'll do anything!' I'm begging with tears in my eyes

He pins my arms on either side of my head, towering above me. He waited until I calmed down, looking deep into my eyes, smirking.

'Maybe not everything.' I answer reluctantly, seeing how he looks now.

'Chicken.' He teases

I laugh at him, 'Depends, what did you have in mind?' I ask. I'm kind of curious

He leans in closer to my face, smirking. He brushed his nose against mine. This is not good. What is he doing?!

'Um, Jimin?' I can his name, 'What are you doing?'

'Getting my mind off the things.' He replies, kissing me on the cheek.
His closeness is making my heart race. This is not the usual play fight we do.

'Maybe we should do something else...' I mumble quietly, not sure what to do. He's got my arms pinned down, so I can't move.

'What's wrong?' His voice is unusually low, deep even. He speaks right into my ear, leaving another kiss on my cheekbone. 'Do I make you uncomfortable?' He asks

'Not the word I would use.' I say. He just makes me nervous. Very nervous. 'Can you please stop?' I ask quietly

'Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything. It's just funny seeing you blush.' He lets go of my arms and pinches my cheek, getting off of me. I feel like I can finally breathe. We haven't even done anything, and I'm barely about to catch my breath.

'I'm sorry, are you okay? I was just kidding. I didn't mean to take it this far.' He sounds a bit panicked seeing me struggle.

'It's okay, Jimin. Don't worry.' I raise my hand, trying to smile. I don't want him to worry. Besides, I can't tell him how I'm feeling when even I don't know.

'I'm sorry.' He sounds kind of scared

'Jimin, it's okay.' I take his hand. 'I promise.' I smile, and he seems to relax

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