Chapter 28

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I woke up the following day in my old bed and realized I was in Matt's arms. I kissed him on the cheek and got ready to get up when I was pulled back down on the bed and kissed down my neck and on my mark. Then, moaning in pleasure, we slowly begin peeling layers of clothes off and making love through the morning.

"You don't want me going cave hunting this morning." I giggled.

"We will leave after we get showers and pick our groups. We should probably get started then, I guess." He says as he gets up and steps into the bathroom.

Hearing the water running, I quickly and quietly grab a towel and step into the bathroom, quietly joining him in the shower. I place my arms around him and start kissing his back. Turning around and kissing me passionately, he pulled away and stared at me with lust-filled eyes. We made love again and again until the water became cold.

Stepping out of the shower, we quickly dressed and went into the kitchen. We grabbed some toast and coffee and made our way to the warriors.

Since returning, Roberto has taken over leading the warriors, while helping Jack train the warriors.

"Pick your warriors, Em. I'm going to talk to Josh."

I nodded and walked over to Roberto and Jack. "Hey, guys, I need some troops!"

"How many and for what reason."

"I want Rob and Alberto, two warriors and a tracker."

"May I ask what for Luna?" Jack asked.

"We are going to clean two caves marked by Tulls spy."

They nodded, and Roberto mind linked the warriors. Pretty soon, all five came up to me.

"Thanks, guys, for joining me. Is everyone ready to go?"

They stood in line and nodded. I showed them the map and the place off the road to meet us. I suggested taking our vehicles because these prisoners have been there too long, and making them walk may be too strenuous.

I looked at Logan, the tracker. "Ok, you all go now. Please park where I showed you and silently make your way to the cave. If you can scout it out and see how we can get in hostage count and Rogue count beforehand, that will be great."

"Yes, Luna"

I watched them walk away and made my way to Matt and Josh. "You ready, Baby?"

"Yep, let's go."

I said goodbye to Josh, grabbed my bow and daggers, and climbed into his car. I showed him where we were meeting, and we drove in silence. Once we got to the parking point, I grabbed my gear. Slipping on my tracking outfit, I grabbed my bow and daggers. We then snuck to the rendezvous point where they were waiting.

"Logan report?" I whispered.

"Ten Rogues, 12 prisoners, including children."

"Any suggestions on getting in? If we walk in guns blazing, they may kill the hostages. I looked at Logan, whose eyes opened suddenly like he had a good idea.


Rob looked like he got slapped in the face and flared at Logan. "YOU BIG MOUTH ASSHOLE!! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED!?!"

Hearing sounds from the cave, I tap Matt and Alberto and point behind me. Matt snickers and quietly moves back with me. Three Rogues came out of the cave and continued screaming at each other.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" One Rogue yelled at my men.

They began walking towards Logan and Rob when an arrow hit one between the eyes, and Rob and Logan grabbed and snapped the other's neck. Logan looked at Rob. "Now there are seven Rogues he smirked."

"Asshole," Rob mumbled as he smiled at Logan.

"Shall we, gentlemen?" I said as I began walking towards the cave. As we walked through the cave, we came to a large opening filled with cages. "Logan, you and I can snipe the ones closest to the prisoners. The guys can take the rest."

He nodded and pointed to the right side of the clearing, and I went left. Seeing two guarding one cage, I pull two arrows from my quiver. Notching the first, I aim for the one more hidden by darkness. We have the element of surprise for the time being; I can't use it early. Releasing the first, I hit him in the heart. Quickly grabbing the other arrow, I notched it and hit the other in the chest. After a quick and painless battle, we quickly released the prisoners and returned to our vehicles. As the prisoners got settled in, I showed them the next cave.

Parking at the next parking spot, we quietly snuck through the woods. Looking through the woods at the entrance, I noticed that no one was around.

"We have the darkness on our side. Shall we go in this time?" I asked, looking at Matt.

"Let's try it."

We went into the entrance and followed the light from the campfire. Looking through the room, we heard one Rogue yelling at a child. My anger took over as he slapped the child, causing me to throw my dagger at the Rogue. Then, connecting with the target, the other Rogues either surrendered or were taken out by the group.

I rushed over to grab the child. I picked him up and turned to leave; taking a few steps, I heard someone behind me screaming, "DIEEEE MUTT!"

Turning around, I saw the Rogue charging at me. With no time to move out of the way, I shielded the child the best I could and closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard someone screaming and a wolf growling.

Opening my eyes, I see Matt in wolf form snarling over the Rogue that he killed. However, I looked more in my direction and saw Rob on the floor clutching his chest where blood was flowing through his fingers. I quickly gave the child to Logan and ran to Rob.

"Why... Why did you?" Was all I could choke out between the tears.

"Luna, you were the only one willing to give us a chance." *cough* "I would do it all over again." He smiled through the pain and held my hand. Then, feeling another vision, I awoke to a small house where Rob was holding a brown-haired woman.

Wait! Are you pregnant? Oh, Anna, I'm so happy Rob said through tears.

We need to tell Chris.

A little boy rubs up to the group, smiling at the couple as he hugs them.

Chris, your Mama, and I want to tell you...

Suddenly through the door popped Tull and a man.

You will come with us now.

As Rob refused, Tull shot Chris and Anna.

You will come with me now! Tull said.

Rob broke down as the man with Tull put him in silver.

Snapping back to reality I looked at Matt, who had a solemn expression. Then, I looked back to Rob.

"Go join Anna and Chris, my hero. Thank you so much for everything."

I held his hand as he smiled and took his last breath. I didn't realize the others had left, but eventually, Matt picked me up, carried me to the car, placed me in the seat, and buckled me in.

"I will send someone for his body tomorrow. We will bury him per Blood Moon rituals. He died a hero and was still a Blood Moon member. After that, I will send groups to get the rest of the caves cleaned."

I nodded at him and laid my head against the window, giving in to the darkness."

One Fateful Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن