Chapter 15

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The lights being flicked on by a nurse coming in to check Matt's vitals instantly woke me up. I looked up wearily and then smile at her.

"Good Morning, Luna." Can we bring you anything?

I thank her for the offer but refuse since I would have to leave soon. Instead, I mind link Josh to bring Maddison down so I can go with Richard's question about the Rogue. A short time later, they walk into the room, followed by Richard.

"Are you ready to get some answers?" He asked.

"Yup, let's do this."

I follow Richard out of the infirmary and through the kitchen into the main hallway. We leave the pack house and walk into the woods until we hit a small metal shack. Opening the door, Richard motions me to go in. I enter and take the stairway down to a lower level, a large jail filled with cells and items specifically designed for torture. Richard motions to the guards to let us pass, and we come to the Rogue's cell.

"Open the cell." Richard directs the guard as he steps into the room, grabs a silver whip, and slowly walks toward the Rogue.

"You may as well kill me, I'm as good as dead if Tull finds out, and I know nothing that can help you." The Rogue said, holding an almost scarily calm composure.

"Where can we find this, Mr. Tull?" Richard asked.

"I don't know where you can find him."

"Ok, we will start with an easier question. What were you doing in the cave with the hostages?" Richard grabbed the whip in a threatening manner.

"We were waiting to get directions on where to take them."

"Take them where? For what purpose?" I asked.

"I don't know; I know that not all of us are there by choice! We are there to protect our family and mates!" He whispered as he looked at the ground, defeated.

"Thank you." I motioned for Richard to leave the room. Then, looking at the guard on duty, "Can you please get him something to eat and drink and have someone look at his shoulder?"

As he nodded in agreement, Richard and I left the jail and began walking back to the pack house. "We should talk to Alphas Hedrick and Alexander as soon as possible."

We headed back into the pack house and straight to the Alphas office. Luckily, Alpha Hedrick and Uncle John were discussing the other two groups. "Can you mind link Alpha Alexander to come in here, please," I said as he was doing so. I mind link Josh to join us and verified Maddy was still with Matt.

When Alpha Alexander and Josh came in, I instructed Richard to begin the meeting and that Josh is my acting Beta while I have other matters to attend to.

"We called this meeting to discuss what we discovered from the Rogue. But first, did we have an outcome with the last two packs checking out their specific areas?"

Alexander nodded. "We checked out ours; there was a small house in the clearing, a couple of Rogues, and about 18 hostages. They have been brought here, received medical attention, and are in temporary housing." The other group came up clean."

"Well, our Rogue was not a help in finding the main base location, but he helped explain other things. Tull is indeed behind this," he said as he looked at Hedrick. "And he uses the hostages he picks up as leverage to have their mates and family members fight his battles for him. Our Rogue friend downstairs is an example."

I nodded. "I think it would be a good start to have trackers look over the wreckage in Blood Moon; maybe they can find a trail or something we can use to narrow down the search. Unfortunately, they aren't in that area."

"Sounds like a good plan," Hedrick agreed.

"Have we heard from any of the smaller packs? If he is destroying packs for fighters, maybe they may have people missing from their packs?" I looked at Uncle John.

"I'll make some phone calls and see what turns up," he nodded at me.

We decided to call an end to the meeting, and I slipped into the kitchen for some coffee before I went to sit with Matt. "You look like hell; you need to eat, shower, and sleep." Josh looked at me, smirking.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I have to relieve your mate so you two can spend quality time together." I winked at him, grabbed my coffee, and started walking to the infirmary.

"Killing yourself isn't going to help his case, you know," he lectured, giving me a pointed look.

"If you are that concerned have someone bring me clothes and some dinner later, and I'll eat and shower there. It's my mate lying in a coma right now, and I'm not going to abandon him!" I brushed past him and walked into the room, telling Madison she could go. She nods and leaves the room to a waiting Josh. Sitting beside Matt, I take his hand; I feel a dull tingling when I touch him. That's new. I thought.

Can you reach his Wolf Garnet?

No, it's almost like he is asleep.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. I open it to see an Omega with food and a bag of clothing.

"Luna, Beta Josh asked me to bring this stuff to you with this message; you look like hell. You have no excuse now; take care of yourself too!"

I smiled as she delivered the message. Thank her for the food and the bag, and sat down to eat. Once I was done eating, I decided to shower, put on the sweatpants, t-shirt, and fluffy socks I received from the Omega and brush my teeth. Taking my place back in my chair, I continue to hold his hand until I fall asleep.

One Fateful Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें