Chapter ten: wedding and endings...

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Bold: na'vi

Today was the big day.

It was my and Jake's wedding.

No one would believe this would happen, especially so soon.

I was with Neytiri and my mother getting ready.

My mother placed a flower crown on my head as my sister rebraided my hair.

"I'm so proud of you daughter."
My mother said.

"I can't believe it is so soon."
Neytiri said.

"Me neither..."

"You are ready!"

Mother and Neytiri walked into the audience.

I felt the long vines around my waist and adjusted them.

It was time.

Na'vi started playing music as I slowly walked out of the room.

Jake was there, he looked very smart with his fresh hair as father insisted he had braids.

I looked toward the audience to see Tsu'tey and Neytiri together.

They looked towards me and smiled.
I was glad that we had all made up and they were finally happy together,
Maybe it was just meant to be.

I turned towards Jake to see him staring my way too.

I reached him and he grabbed my hands before kissing them gently.

"You look beautiful Tutiri."
I blushed and looked towards the ground.

"May you all be seated."
Father said.

Everyone sat down.

We looked towards father.

"Jake, do you take my daughter, Tutiri, love and cherish her forever?"

"I do."

"Tutiri. Do you take Jake and will never lie?"

"I do"

"You may kiss!"

We took one look at each other and our lips touched.

Everyone cheered as our lips moved together.

We parted and the cheers got louder.

A seed from the tree of souls landed on my arm before flying away.

"I love you sister"
I smiled towards it.


Two years later


Jake stood by me as I couldn't hold myself up anymore.

I lay on the ground, breathing heavily as the pain got worse.

"You are so strong, tutiri."
He praised.

I looked towards him before it happened.

A baby's cry was heard.

I looked towards the noise to see Jake holding a baby.

"It's a boy!"

He shouted.

I weakly smiled.

"I love you so much!"


Everyone gathered around as Jake handed my mother our son, Turikta.

She lifted him in the air as cheers sounded.

I looked at Jake and he had tears in his eyes.

His dream future was coming true.


A/n: is this the end?

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