Chapter nine: future?

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Bold: Na'vi
Maybe drinking so much last night wasn't the best idea...

I and Jake had woke up with our heads pounding.

We went back down to where the part was and it was chaos,
Thankfully na'vi were cleaning up.

"Do you think we should find Tsu'tey now? Maybe I was a little harsh on him."
I said.

He said, rubbing his head.


We searched high and low trying to find him.

We searched the tree of souls,
We searched the ceremony area,
We asked my parents.

I couldn't find him anywhere until...

I realised I hadn't seen Neytiri either.

"They couldn't have could they?"
I looked towards Jake.

We went to my sister's room.

There they were.

Tsu'tey and Neytiri we're asleep together.

I walked over to her.

I touched her shoulder and shook it.

She opened her eyes slowly and widened them when she noticed us.

She then looked towards him and said,
"He was very upset, I let him stay here for the night."

I nodded.

I and Jake looked at each other before realising it was best to leave them.


"Since it was your ceremony and you succeeded, why don't we catch ourselves some fish."

He looked very happy.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I laughed.

"Do you like fish?"
It was obvious.

He nodded his head eagerly.

Let's go...


We arrived at the local fishing spot with our bows.

I grabbed my arrow and loaded it into my bow before aiming at the fish.

Jake did the same but on a different fish.

We let go at the same time and the arrows both hit the fish.

We reached over to the fish and grabbed our arrows.

We travelled further into the forest and started a fire with local sticks.
We shouldn't be doing this but it's after during the day than at night.

We placed our fish on top and let it sizzle.

I looked up a little to see Jake staring at me.

"What's wrong?"
I asked.

"Nothing... Your just so perfect Tutiri."

I laughed a little.

"Jake you're so cringey."
I said, Jake had used the word before.

He stood up behind me before grabbing my sides and ticking me.

I kicked out my legs and tried to wriggle free.

I shouted, not being able to control my laughter.

He started laughing too before I turned around and tackled him back.

He stood up and carried me on his shoulder while trying to stop me from tickling him.

Eventually, we both ran out of breath and we sat down to eat the fish.

We grabbed our fish from the fire and are in silence.

I broke the silence,
"Have you ever thought about the future?"

"Sometimes why?"

"What do you hope for?"
I asked.

"I hope one day... We would be able to start a family."
He looked me in the eyes.

"A family? With me?"

"Thays reminds me something..."

He grabbed a flower from above and stood in front of me.

"Tutiri... Will you marry me?"

I couldn't breathe.


It's okay to be Different// Jake sully x ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu