,but Lily can't finish her sentence because a young girl across the street started screaming. She's about ten years old and she points at us pulling her mother across the street. 'Look mom! It is the model from yesterday evening! From the TV!!!' Shit. This is not the right moment... 'Honey, they're busy.' the mother tries, but her daughter is already standing in front of me with pen and paper. I take the paper, and I want to put my autograph on it, but then I realize: I don't have one.. I just put some random lines on the piece of paper and then I hand it back to the girl. 'Thank you!' she says happily and she runs back to her mother who starts apologizing to us. 'It's fine!' Lily says and we both smile while the mother and the girl walk away. 'Wow, your first fan!' Lily says. I smile.

'Yeah... well what was Rule #3?' I ask. 'Right! Rule #3: We tell each other everything, so I'll tell everything about Pedri and you'll tell everything about Pablo.' she says. 'Ehm excuse me. About Pablo?' I say while we both put on our sunglasses. 'Ooh come on! Don't lie. There is definitely something going on between the two of you.' Lily says. 'I saw that look last night when we were all dancing...' Lily says. I give her a playful push and she laughs. 'Admit it!' she says. 'You tell me first!' I say.

Lily smiles. 'Well, we were just dancing you know.' Lily starts walking slower. 'We were super close and we almost kissed, but then Ansu grabbed Pedri and started dancing with him, I don't think he realized that we were having a moment.' she continues. 'Pedri grabbed my hand and said we should get somewhere more... private.' she says. I smile. 'And then things got spicy?' I ask. Lily laughs out loud. 'Well we went to the women restroom, but then I saw Nicole washing her hands. I kind of panicked. I mean if Nicole saw me I would be in trou-' 'OMG, just tell about the kiss!' I say. 'Okay, okay! Chill. So we ran into one of the toilets, and then we kissed.' Lily says. She smiles dreamy. 'Ew, so with the stank of poop around you, you guys kissed?' I ask. 'It was perfect.' Lily says. I laugh and shake my head while we walk into the mall.

Saturday night:

It's about 8PM when I'm finally back at home. Me and Lily shopped very long, and after we lunched together. Then we went meeting with Aria and her friends and after that I picked up my stuff at Mikky's house. 'I'm home!' I scream to let Pedri know I'm back. 'I'm on the couch!' he responds. I drop my bags in the hallway and go to the living room. Pedri is sitting on the couch, watching football when I come in. He turns it of and I sit next to him. 'Where have you been all day?' Pedri asks. 'Where were you last night?' I ask. 'With you? At your show!' Pedri says. I lift one of my eyebrows. 'Yeah, but after that.' I ask. 'I don't know what you're talking about!' Pedri says and he breaks the eye-contact. I giggle. Damn this man is bad at lying. 'You do. Don't lie! Lily told me everything.' I say and Pedri signs. 'Well... I'm sorry. Are you mad?' he asks. 'No. Well, I was at first. But if you guys really like each other, I'll be happy.' I say and I try to read Pedri's look. 'So? Do you really like each other?' I ask. Pedri shakes his head. 'I don't know, it's too soon.' he says. 'But, I think she's amazing.' I smile. 'She is!'

At 8:30PM we're both sitting in Pedri's car. I changed into a nice black jeans with a cute top. It's very dark blue and matches my purse. Pedri looks very relaxed, but I'm pretty stressed. We're going to Mikky's house and later we would go to the night club close to her house. I'm seventeen, so for me it's illegal to go there, but Pedri says he can fix something. Still I'm stressed, what if everyone can go in and I can't? Then I'll stand outside... alone. 'Are you really sure you wanna go lasergaming on your eighteenth birthday?' Pedri asks. 'I mean, it's not very... fancy.' he adds. 'Well, it's fine, Ferran really wants it.' I say. Pedri rolls his eyes. 'Don't be too nice. It's your day. Ooh shit...' Pedri says while looking on his phone. 'What?' I ask and try to look on his phone. 'Ferran already booked the lasergaming place...' Pedri says and he signs. 'I guess we'll have to go then.' I say. Pedri chuckles. 'Sure why not.'

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now