"Are you guys ready yet?" He asked, clearly annoyed by how long they were taking, and Jaylee rolled her eyes. She swore the minuscule amount of patience boys had was ridiculous. 

"No. What if we were naked, and you just came barging in?" Jaylee retorted, and Luke smirked. Oh, he had many ideas for that one, and Jaylee saw that. She kind of worried about how he would answer. 

"Well, I would rather not see my sister naked," His face contorted into disgust, then quickly changed to a smirk, "but you, I wouldn't mind." 

Luke winks at Jaylee, and she gasped. She playfully slapped him, and Luke used that as an opportunity to snake his arms around Jaylee's waist, causing her to slam into his chest. Jaylee's face instantly heated up, so she buried her head into his chest. Luke chuckled as he pressed a gentle kiss against a forehead. The moment was perfect, and Jaylee felt at peace in his arms. 

"Good Lord, take the PDA to your own room, Luke." Bethany gagged, and Jaylee giggled as Luke smiled down at her. Bethany handed Jaylee a bathing suit, and she walked into the bathroom to change, looking at herself in the mirror. Jaylee had on a cute bikini. It was yellow with white polka dots, and the top part had a bow in the middle. 

Jaylee walked out of the bathroom, and Luke's jaw dropped to the floor. His eyes roamed from her long legs, to her perfect curves, all the way to her shy face. He had never seen a girl look as beautiful as Jaylee did. Bethany smirked at Luke before she grabbed Jaylee's hand, running down to the pool. Jaylee and Bethany sat in the lounge chairs just as Luke ran out of the house and dived into the pool. Once he came back up from under the water, Jaylee turned to Bethany, a devious plan forming in her mind. 

"How did you hear about me?" Jaylee questioned, giggling under her breath, and a mischievous grin spread across Bethany's lips. Jaylee glanced over at the pool, watching Luke swim laps. His muscles glistened in the sunlight, and she watched as his biceps flexed with each lap he swam. Jaylee had to look away. If he caught her checking him out, she would never be able to live it down. 

"Luke. He is always talking about you." Bethany yelled, and Luke stopped swimming laps. Bethany smirked at her brother before turning to Jaylee. "It's always, 'Jaylee is so beautiful', or 'Jaylee is so funny', or 'Jaylee is my--" 

Luke lifted himself out of the pool, causing his muscles to flex. It didn't help that the sun made their golden tan even more sexy as the water slowly dripped down his abs. Luke ran to Bethany, threw her over his shoulder, and tossed her in the pool. Bethany popped out of the water and stuck her tongue out at him. 

"You can't deny the truth, dear brother!" She yelled before swimming around, and Luke rolled his eyes as he faced Jaylee. She glanced at him, leaning on her elbows. She couldn't help but notice how his face had the slightest blush on it, and her heart leaped at the thought that she was the one who caused him to blush. The Luke Sullivan-- blushing. 

Hell must have been freezing over. 

"So," She started, smirking at Luke, "You talk about me all the time?" 

She smiled brightly at him, and he rolled his eyes. The thought of him always talking about her (and not in a bad way) made her happy. Luke was never one to say good things about girls, and it felt amazing to know she was the one girl he would talk good about. Luke shook his head and crossed his arms, showing off his muscles. Luke saw Jaylee's eyes stare at his muscles, and he smirked.

Sweet Jesus, take me now, she thought. 

"I mean, I am so great to talk about, but all the time?" She smiled sweetly, "You must be so in love." 

Luke shook his head, chuckling. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Jaylee laughed as she hit his back. It was the most she had laughed in a long time-- the happiest she had been in a long time. Luke threw her into the pool, and her body came in contact with the ice cold water. Luke jumped in after her, and when they both came back up, Jaylee glared at him. 

The Heartbreakers. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें