Chapter 13: Ruby Eyes

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Qin Zichen thought that they should take shelter in the nearby small cabin and wait for the rain to stop.

He walked towards the small wooden cabin and took shelter from the hanging rusty roof. His arms carried the shivering lady as he pushed the door inwardly.

The door made a loud creaking sound.

His other hand was still on the doorknob as he closed it right after He and Lin Feiyi entered the cabin. He closed it and muffled the sound of the torrential rain outside.

He inspected the room before gently putting Lin Feiyi on the thin knitted mat.

The room was gloomy, but the moon's light reflected on the small windows.

The room was messy.

There were stuffed toys and books littering around, a worn-out orange sofa, and A disoriented gray thin knitted mat in the middle of the room—nearly occupying the whole space of the small cabin.

This little cabin served as a secret lair for some kids in the orphanage who wanted to be away from loud noises and crowds.

According to the book, This is where the female lead always hangs around since she's a loner. She met the male lead in this cabin once when she was young.

Harris had always disliked noisy crowds and the kids who kept approaching him. The little Harris snuck out and accidentally discovered the cabin from wandering around.

He saw a little girl inside the cabin, playing by herself with two dolls—voicing them over as if the two dolls were talking.

Harris stood at the door staring at the little girl, looking a little annoyed.

An Meiyou stopped playing and noticed a shadow looming over her.

She raised her head, and her twinkly little eyes looked up to the male lead whose wearing a cold face.

She immediately lowered her head like a frightened bunny and dared not speak. He's just a little kid—But his aura is intimidating and overwhelming her.

She saw him sitting on her favorite orange sofa, crossing his legs while reading a book like an old-aged man. He just ignored her,

his attention only on the book.

She wanted to open her mouth, but the words stayed on her lips. He doesn't want to start a conversation either.

She felt shy to play again—so she just stared at the dolls in her hand.

"Why did you stop playing?" He asked as he flipped on the pages casually.

"Uh... I-I Uh.." She kept stuttering and felt nervous. She can't properly form words in her mouth—the reason she's often bullied inside the orphanage.

She lowered her head further and saw him clicking his tongue. She saw him get up, and he left the cabin.

She thought he would never visit again.

But every time she plays inside the cabin, the little guy would always appear with a book in his hands.

She'd play and he'll ignore her.

One Day, she got bullied inside the cabin as her bullies found her playing peacefully.

Harris stood up for her and shooed the bullies away.

She was happy inside and thanked him sincerely. Harris just responded with an "um' and turned away.

She knew that he was one of the sponsor's sons. But he never introduced himself to her and neither does she.

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