you decide how you wanna end your story

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Long time I have written a letter here,
I know life has turned so colourless as if it lost all its colours and its just stuck with black and grey. Its beautiful the way it is.

I feel like I'm sinking in a deep ocean, I can feel the water slowing pulling me deeper.
Its getting darker, but im not afraid of it.
The deeper I go the prettier the ecosystem looks.

Nowadays I push myself alone . I try to listen to myself more. I barely have the energy to even talk to others.
I have pushed myself away.

I deleted all my socials and now I'm completely out.
Drained. Exhausted. Tired.

From unable to even open up and express  how I feel , I opened up and actually felt grateful for having people who do care for me.
They actually do care for u, its alright to feel like a disappointment to them. Your thoughts might be deepest darkest and the scariest ocean but it also has the prettiest ecosystem in it. Just take time to explore it.

Sometimes all you need is a lil more time to think, to breathe, to grow up, to be a lil more happier.
Take your time, take all the sufficient time you require cause beautiful things takes time to grow!

In that time you take for yourself remember a few things

Your beautiful, you may take time to agree on that but thats  a fact.

You always have been the best version of yourself, you have fought battles nobody knew

You were and you are doing a good job, dont worry.

Just explore breathe smile with your heart and bloom.
At the end of the day you have to power to decide how you wanna end your story!

You always have choices to make, one the greatest choice to be happy or abusive yourself with self harm and sucide.

Be patient with yourself, you make mistakes its alrighty.
Everyone does
Forgive yourself, make peace with your past.

You deserve peace, love happiness and joy. Treat yourself with love and kindness, cause when u fill yourself with kindness and love you will begin to spread it others and leave traces of it everywhere you go.
So take time breathe, start over again, explore yourself
Remember  you get to choose how you wanna end your story !!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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