Gaint wheel

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In the amusement parks the giant wheel always fascinated me ,althought I hated heights but I still liked the giant wheel. The way it goes down the the depth and to the top, and the process is complete fun. Imagine taking a ride right  now  youu  would go up and then down and you get to see the amazing view from there.

speaking of life honestly if  you see its the same compared to the gaint wheel.

You go through hard times and feel down . whose hard days sometimes blinds us and makes us think that all our life we're gonna stay in the same state. sometime we reach the happiest days of our life too.   Pretty similar to the giant wheel , right?

The next your feeling down or your working hard and putting in effort for something I want you to know that your gonna go up one day just like the giant wheel . Its a process life takes us down and high up but don't let that make you feel depressed saying that im gonna be sad and lonely for the rest of my life.

 True success as a teenager is to be happy ....Happy just to be alive and feel everything you experience the joy or the pain.  now knowing that it a process to go down and then go up  just enjoy it.

Its sensesless to say enjoy being sad one day and happy the other but i don't mean that. I mean enjoy every moment of being alive and the gaint wheel ride of your life. And once you have gone up and reached the happiest days of your life you can look down and see the foot and process you had gone through and thats the beautiful view. I bet that this the most beatiful view you woud have seen your life.

Only look back to see how far u have come - min yoongi (bts)

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