Part 4

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Bakugou's Pov:

I woke up, I was facing Deku's chest, he had his hand on my ass and my leg was in between both of his. I decided to get up but was put to a stop from an incredibly painful sting in my back.

I turned around hissing at the pain and gave Deku a silent glare. I lay down once more and slowly fall back into a deep slumber.

Deku's Pov:

I've been awake for twenty minutes staring at my lover peacefully snoring as he was deep in slumber. I would literally love to watch him sleep for longer but unfortunately he had to wake up as it was 1:00 in the afternoon. "Kacchan... Kacchan!!" I said the last part loudly so he was able to hear me as he couldn't hear me the first time

"What nerd?! Let me sleep! Your dumbass broke my fucking back!" He yelled. "I know Kacchan, I'm sorry, but u will have to get up soon, I'll give you another.. hmm.. 'Bout 20 minutes, K?" "Fine, whatever, go away" He said doing a shooing motion with his hands. I chuckled and walk out of the room as he rudely 'asked' me to do so with his hands

As I walked out of our bedroom, I went straight to the kitchen and started making some eggs, of course, Kacchan was a better cook, I still am pretty good at it too just not near as good as him. As the eggs were cooking I went to the toaster making some toast.

20 minutes later-

My phone went off as it was time to wake Kacchan up.. AGAIN. I went into our bedroom and shook him awake while lightly saying his name, he woke up with a groan and i chuckled. "Yes nerd, i'm up" he said still half asleep trying to get up. He managed to sit up on the bed but as he tried to stand up he fell right into my arms. As a result, I picked him up princess style and took him to the living room. I slowly and carefully laid him down on the couch trying not to hurt the blonde that was still sore.

A few minutes later, I was in the kitchen cooking some more eggs and toast as I saw a figure walk into the kitchen out of the corner of my eye. Immediately knowing who it was I walked over and kissed his forehead and went back to the eggs, I was standing there when I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist, I slightly turned my head to see Kacchan resting his head on my back, as he had his eyes closed.

I slowly turned around only to have him wrap legs around my waist and his arms move up to my neck. I quickly wrapped one hand around his waist to make sure he wasn't going to fall, and turned around to continue with the eggs.
After Kacchan ate, we went back to the room, well, me having to obviously carry him as of earlier he said, "You know how much it hurt trying to get up off that couch and walk over here?!" We lay in bed, cuddling and watching the movie, 'Chucky'. Kacchan hates scary movies but still watches them to not look like a coward. Suddenly a jumpscare shows up on the screen as Kacchan had jumped onto me and latched on to my body like a koala. "Are you ok Kacchan?" I asked comforting him, "No, nerd, I'm not okay, that shit is scary, you know I hate scary movies?! Why do you let me watch them?!" He cried out. "Kacchan, I don't, every time I say, 'are you sure you don't wanna watch something else?' You say, 'I'm no pussy, I can take it' " He sat there looking at me and then made an O shape with his mouth. Yes, this moody ass person is the one I'm marrying in 2 weeks. I love him dearly though as he only gives me slight attitude and the rest is given to anyone else.

He is the one for me

Words used: 698

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