Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Previously in A New Home

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Peter shouts, pulling MJ from her seat and to the floor. He shields her with his body, covering his head as the large wall to wall window shatters behind him, shards of broken glass flying everywhere. A car door sails right over him, hitting the back wall of the cafe. He looks down at MJ, who looks equally confused and terrified. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." He stands up, and after checking to make sure it's safe he helps MJ to her feet. "What was that?"

As if answering her question, A roar sounds that sends chills down his spine. He turns around to see the lizard monster from the night before, reaching inside a taxi that was missing a door (likely the door that flew through the window). The lizard monster drags a man from the vehicle, and begins scaling the building across the street. Peter doesn't hesitate.

He can hear MJ calling after him as he runs from the cafe, jumping through where the window used to be and running to a nearby alleyway. He makes sure no one is watching and swiftly removes the hoodie and jeans, leaving him in his suit.

You're to get help from the team

While Peter wishes he could follow Pepper's orders, there's no one from the team here. He'll call them from comms later, but for now he pulls on his mask and goes after the beast, praying for strength as he goes to fight another battle.


Well this isn't going well.

Peter slowly stands up, his hand clutching his side. No serious injuries so far, but he isn't sure how much longer that's going to last. The fight had started off great: He'd gotten the man out of Godzilla's grasp, and landed a solid blow to the monster. But it went downhill from there. The civilian is still on the rooftop, dangerously close to the edge and the lizard is in full pursuit.

The teen hero is trying his best to keep the beast distracted, in hopes that the man only a few feet from death has the common sense to get off the roof and get as far away from this as possible.

"Sir." Peter say, dodging another blow. "This is no way to sell car insurance."

The monster swings his clawed hand, his sharp talons finding Peter's side. He can feel blood soaking through his suit, but he doesn't want to think about that right now. The lizard swings again, landing a hit to Peter's chest. The hero goes flying backward, hitting the door that lead off the roof and into the building. The air has been knocked from his lungs, but be stands anyway. His eyes scan the rooftop, in search for the civilian he has been trying so hard to save. He's no where to be found, and judging by the Lizard's rage and constant attacks on Peter, he can only hope the man made it to safety.

"Listen, buddy. This ain't no way to treat a client." Peter quips, his accent starting to make an appearance. He tried to hide it when he was in vigilante mode, but here lately its been easier. "15 percent or more isn't worth this. You've definitely lost the sale."

"I've heard enough of your rambling." The monster speaks, and it catches Peter off guard. It's not the fact that the monster spoke, considering it had spoken at their last fight as well. It was it's voice. It was incredibly familiar, but Peter couldn't quite place it. He mumbles to Karen, beginning an audio recording to play back later. Maybe Tony will know who it is. Of course, a giant lizard monster would be hard to forget. "You have no idea what you just cost me, and you will pay for it."

"I'm not payin' for anything. I told you, I don't want any car insurance. I don't even own a car."

The only response he gets is a roar of anger, before the beast charges toward him. Peter narrowly avoids being hit, rolling across the rooftop. He tries to ignore the sharp pain in his side, and the ache in his lungs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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