Chapter Twenty-Four:

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So please if you see any mistakes please don't hesitate to point them out. Other than that, enjoy the story. 

Previously in A New Home-

After a brief farewell, Peter makes his way to the front lobby. He just steps off the elevator when-

" 'Scuse me.. Watch out!!" Peter turns just in time to see a blonde girl around his age, carrying a tray of coffees a few feet away. Someone shoves into her, and she starts to fall. He acts fast, catching the tray of coffee in one hand, and catching her just before she falls.

"Better be careful miss-" Peter looks down, and for a moment can't believe who he's holding.




"Peter!" She answers happily, standing up straight and backing away a little. "What're you doin' here?"

"In New York? I live here now." Did she really not remember?

"No, I meant Oscorp. Ain't Mr. Stark like... their sworn enemy or somethin'?"

"No. I mean, yes. Or.. it's complicated."

Peter never thought he'd say this, but it was awkward. One of his oldest friends, and he felt like he couldn't carry on a conversation. It's partially his fault. They'd lost touch about a month after he left. But then again, she never tried to reach out either. It goes both ways.

"So... what happened to your accent?"


"Your accent. It's not the same."

"The time away I guess." Had it really faded that much? He hadn't noticed.

"Well you still look the same. Except your glasses... did you get contacts?"

"Uh... yeah. Somethin' like that. Enough about me. What're you doing here?"

"Oh! I started a summer internship here. They started a program- if I do well I can get a recommendation for the college of my choice."

"That's awesome! Who's your mentor?"

"Dr, Connors. He's a great mentor. I haven't been here long but I've already learned quite a bit."

"So you're working on the genetics project?"

"Yeah, actually... How'd you know?"

"Underoos!" Oh thank the stars. An explanation would be difficult considering there were certain details he'd need to leave out. Tony walks toward them, putting on his signature sunglasses in the process. "Who's your friend?"

"Tony, this is Gwen Stacy. A... friend. From home." He turns to Gwen. "Gwen, this is my dad."

Peter couldn't give a reasonable explanation as to why, but he was terrified. Tony had never met any of Peter's old friends before. What did he think of her? Did he like her?

"Well, I hate to run but Peter and I have a few more errands to run. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Stacy."

"The pleasure was mine, Mr. Stark."

Tony didn't say anything until they left the building. Which Peter was thankful for. He knew his dad was going to ask questions, maybe make an embarrassing comment or two. And Peter didn't want Gwen to hear it if he could help it.

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