Chapter Three

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Peter follows behind his father, trying his best to ignore the curious glances sent their way. Tony had been showing him around the tower. Now they were walking through the Research and Development lab, Peter glancing at the different projects being worked on and tested. 

Um… Mr. Stark, sir?” He tries to hide the anxiety that’s taking over. He didn’t like the attention being given, and he certainly didn’t like the idea of everyone knowing about him.

One thing that really worried him was how people would react to the Tony Stark having a son; people found out and it would be nothing but chaos. Potential bad press for Tony, and no sense of normalcy for Peter. 

Pete has seen what fame can do to people, and he didn’t want that. He’d rather not have his entire life on display. 

“Yeah, kid?” Tony answers.
“What’re we gonna tell people? If they ask…” He wasn’t exactly sure how to phrase the rest of the question, but Tony knew what he meant. 

“Well, we can tell them whatever you want. It’s up to you. If you want to you can tell everyone that your father is Tony Stark, earn some cool points, But if not then that’s okay too. You’ll be seen with me or Pepper a lot, so we could say you’re my intern or something.”

Peter nods: “Thank you, sir.”

“No problem, kid.” 

It was awkwardly silent as Peter, Tony, and Pepper all sat down for lunch that afternoon. The tour had finished just before that. Pete had met a few of the interns and gotten a good look at what Stark Industries had recently been working on. 

The silence was heavy, no one really sure what to say. I mean, Peter had lost his mom only a few weeks ago, and neither Pepper nor Tony knew much about him. To Tony’s relief, Pepper finally says something:

“So, Peter, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?”

“Not much to tell, really.” He answers, looking up for only a moment.

“I’m sure that’s not true. There’s more to you than you think.”

“Nah, Ms. Potts. I’m nothin’ special.”

“Well, do you have any hobbies?” 

“I like to learn…” Peter answers quietly, so quietly you’d miss it if you weren’t paying attention. 

“Really?” Tony asks, speaking for the first time since the meal began. This is good; common ground should make things a little bit easier. “What do you like to study?”

“Just ‘bout anything science related. Science and Math are great, but English and Literature are the worst.” The two feel a small bit of satisfaction as Peter gives a half-smile.

“What about y’all?” 

“Us?” Tony questions. “What do you want to know?”

“Just tell me about you.”

“Well, I’m IronMan. Which you probably already knew. Science is my specialty. Engineering and technology mostly.” Tony nods to Pepper, signalling that it’s her turn. 

“Well for starters, I’m the boss. No matter what Tony tells you. His name may be on it, but I’m the one who runs it.” The smile turns to a laugh as Peter looks to Tony, who feigns hurt.
“Et tu, Pepper? Damaging my reputation by being so brutally honest.”

“Damaging your reputation? Or your ego?” She shoots back with a smile. Tony tries to think of an argument, but quickly concedes. 

“Okay you’ve got a point.” he looks to Peter, before not so subtly whispering: “I’m the fun one though.” 

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