Chapter Four

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Upon checking my message board- Nehanichu pointed it out that I missed Wednesdays update. And I am so sorry. I didn't see the message until now.
But I've had it in my drafts, and I thought I posted it, but I guess it didn't update. So even though it's late- here it is.
Also- two updates this Wednesday. Just because.

I love you all!!

The next morning, Peter sits at the kitchen table, exhausted. His breakfast plate sits untouched, which doesn’t go unnoticed. He hadn’t had the best appetite since it all happened. But after last night's nightmares, and the moments of vulnerability, the thought of eating anything made his stomach turn.

He wouldn’t admit it, but he was more embarrassed than anything. He was supposed to stand strong; and this felt like the exact opposite. 

“You know, you really should eat something.” Pepper tells him. She sits across the table from him, and Peter takes note of the empty chair between them. Mr. Stark isn’t here. 

“I’m not really all that hungry.” His mind is focused on last night, the moment playing over and over; a loop. Pepper figures it out with no trouble. She’s known Tony long enough to figure Peter out, and better yet, how to try and help. 

“It’s okay.” The teen looks up at her. “It’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s okay not to be okay. Just ask your father-”

“Where is Mr. Stark, anyway?” He is desperate to change the subject, but realizes how rude it was the minute he said it. “Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to interrupt you like that.”

“It’s alright, Peter.” She gives him a sympathetic smile. He was building up walls, brick by brick.
“No it’s not, Ms. Potts. It was downright rude of me, and I’m sorry.” 

“It’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for.” Peter just nods. Pepper looks at the kid, small in stature with a look of defeat in his eyes. “To answer your question, he’s downstairs  in his workshop. He spends most Saturdays down there. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your company if you want to go see him.”

“Oh. I wouldn’t want to take up too much of his time…”

“He’s your father, Peter. And I know it may not seem like it, but he does want to get to know you. He does love you. He may not express it very well, but he does.” She gives a smile.  “Besides, I don’t like him spending all that time by himself. You’d be doing me a favor.”

Peter nods. The idea of it being a favor to Ms. Potts- a way to help someone- makes him feel like less of a bother: “Only if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” She stands from the table and goes to the pantry, reaching in and grabbing a box of Poptarts before handing them to Peter. “Take these as you go; odds are Tony hasn't eaten either. Please make sure he eats something.”

“Are you sure you don’t need help cleanin’ up?”

“I’ve got it handled, Peter. You go on.” She doesn’t miss his hesitations as he walks toward the stairs. He turns back one more time, in which she gives him a supportive smile, before he makes his way to the workshop.

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