Chapter Twenty-Three

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AHHH ! So much happening in this chapter I've been waiting so long to write this. I know this is later than promised, but I wanted to be good enough for you all because you deserve the BEST!!!!!!


 "Did you see me?!" Peter asks excitedly. He'd just caught his first criminal; a guy armed with a knife was trying to mug someone, and Peter had put a stop to it. "I was like 'hey, stabbing is wrong' and then thwip, I took his knife and then BAM I swung and he was out like a light. I did it!"

"Way to go, kid!" Tony cheers, literally applauding his son. He was as proud as Peter felt. However, the sun was setting and Peter did have a curfew. He hadn't had dinner, and with his enhanced metabolism the kid wasn't getting any heroing done on an empty stomach. "I'm proud of you. But we gotta get home."

"What? Already?"

"Yep. Pepper's bound to have dinner ready any minute."

The rest of the team had stayed with Peter and Tony for about an hour, but then the rest of them decided to head home once they knew everything was under control. Even though they demanded hourly updates at least.

"Okay." Peter says, sounding disappointed.

"Hey, it's summer. You'll have plenty of time for heroing tomorrow." Tony steps back in his suit, and together they head back to the tower.

Peter was exhausted, but that didn't matter. His muscles ached and he felt like he'd run for miles. But there was too much adrenaline. He was bouncing off the walls. Occasionally recreating his epic fight moment. It was late into the night before he finally managed to settle down; and even then he couldn't wait until he could get back out there tomorrow and do it all again.

"Where are my notes?" Tony questions, frantically searching through the pile of papers scattered about his workshop.

"What notes?" Pepper responds.

"The ones for the meeting with Norman Osborn? I could have sworn I left them right here!"

"Let me look." Pepper simply glances at the disaster of a workspace for maybe ten seconds, then picks up the single sheet of paper that had Tony's notes on it.

"How do you do that?"

"It's a gift. What do you need notes for anyway? You're usually much more confident about this kind of thing."

"Maybe so, but this is Oscorp."

"And? What, you're intimidated?"

"No!" Tony answers defensively. "It's just that this meeting could single handedly double the profits of Stark Industries."

"You're still going to try and make an ally of them?"

"Well I'd rather buy them out, but Norman refuses to sell. The stubborn-"

"What's up?" Tony turns to the doorway, expecting to see his son standing there. But the room is empty other than Pepper and himself. "Uh up here Tony."

Several feet above them, Peter stands on the ceiling.

"Get your shoes off the ceiling, Pete. You'll leave footprints." Pepper mildly scolds him. After a mishap with muddy boot prints on the ceilings, it was decided that Peter couldn't wear shoes if he was going to walk on the walls or ceiling. How he even stuck to the ceiling with his shoes on was beyond them.

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