"Why Carrie,isn't she an asshole?" Melody asked.

"I heard she's a slut.." Miley shrugged.

"Woah,where did you hear that from?" I turn to look at Miley.

"Twitter." She chuckled.

"I don't think she's a slut,but a complete asshole." I say.

"You actually believe Twitter?" Melody laughed.

"Yes,so?" Miley rolled her eyes.

"Okay,stop arguing,I believe Twitter too!" I smiled.

"Let's get our minds off Finn and Carrie,hm?" Miley suggested as we both nodded.

Not even three seconds later,Victoria and Bruce walked up to our table.
Thank god her friends weren't there.

"Well,well,well..what do we have here?" She chews her gum.

"Hm..I see three bitches." Bruce laughed.
-"couldn't agree more." She laughed as well.

"Three plus two equals five..I included you two." Miley rolled her eyes.

"You forgot to subtract three and it equals two! Which is..you two." Melody said looking them up and down in disgust.

"Whatever." Victoria said rolling her eyes as Bruce checked me out and it make me uncomfortable,but it's not the first time he's done it.

"C'mon babe,they're a waste of time." She said before walking off with Bruce wrapped around her waist.

"Assholes." Melody rolled her eyes.
-"shit,Finn and his girlfriend are coming!" She began to panic.

"Are they really?" I ask getting nervous.

"They sure are." Miley sighed.

"Hey Y/n." Carrie ruffled my hair.

"Hey.." I sigh in annoyance.

"What's going on here,girls only?" She looks at us.

"Nope,I mean if it was we would've probably labeled it." Miley shrugged.

"Oh shit." Finn chuckled and Carrie slapped his shoulder.
-"what the fuck?" He mumbled.

"Well..did y'all know there's a competition going on?" She said.

"Since when?" I ask looking confused.

"Since like forever." She rolls her eyes tapping her pink nails in the table.

"And why are we just hearing about this now?" Melody asked.

"Guess you guys are just too lame to even know about something so cool." She chuckled as Finn did too.

"What's it about anyways?" Miley asked.

"I mean..you guys don't actually have to know..you won't win." She looked at the twins in disgust.

"They probably could,I mean..they're way hotter than you." I admit.

"Thanks." The twins say.

"They aren't..imma be honest,you are actually hotter than them,but not hotter than me." She sighs.

"Right.." I roll my eyes as Miley and Melody giggle.

"But anyways,this competition is a beauty pageant." She smiles excitedly.
-"For beauty's only though." She completed her sentence.

"So we aren't allowed?" I asked.

"Eh..not saying y'all aren't but you guys won't win either way." She shrugged.

"Mhm." Miley scoffed.

"I've won five times." She smiled proudly.

"Maybe because we've never joined." I sighed.

"Join then..we'll see who'll win." She scoffed before leaving.

"Bye." Finn said before leaving with her.

"I've won five times,you won't win." The twins mock Carrie.

"Okay..are we actually gonna join?" I asked as they nodded.

"We'll all join,if you don't win,I win,if I don't win,she'll win." Melody said.

"What if we don't win at all?" I asked.

"Then we'll all losers,nothing will change anyways." She smiled.

"True,true." I chuckled.

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