Will They Tell His Story? Chuuya x reader ANGST

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A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry for not being able to write

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A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry for not being able to write. Here is an angst based on a song from Hamilton (the lyrics changed to fit the Oneshot). I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for 2000 reads!!

The Port Mafia had gone to crap. Executives Chuuya Nakahara and Paul Verlaine have been killed, along with Osamu Dazai, a former executive.

It just so happens that Chuuya was your boyfriend.

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory," Mori started to speak. "You have no control,"

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

"Osamu Dazai. I'll give him this, his battle tactics are a work of genius. I couldn't mess them up if I tried...and I've tried."

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

"Paul Verlaine. His assassination tactics are truly admirable. Hate to admit it, but he doesn't get enough credit for how he has helped us."

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

There you stood, waiting to speak. All the remaining executives had to. 'Every other executive's story gets told. Every other executive gets to grow old.' You thought. It's not fair. Chuuya deserved so much more. You felt nothing but dread. How would you speak without crying?

'And since you're gone, who remembers your name?' Nobody's talking about Chuuya. Is it because they don't want to bother you? 'Who'll keep your flame?' Who will tell his story?

A year later

You sit beside Chuuyas grave, crying. 'I put myself back in the narrative.' Most of the Port Mafia cared about Dazais death,(mostly because of Mori) not even Verlaine got recognized that much. 'I'll stop wasting time on tears. I'll live another 50 years.'

'I'll interview members who fought by your side.' You'll tell their story. 'I rely on Koyou, when she's alive, she'll tell your story.' You held the promise ring Chuuya gave you in your hand and started crying more.

When you needed Koyou the most, she was right by your side to comfort you. "What would you have done if you had more time?" You ask yourself. 'The Lord, in his kindness, he gives me what you always wanted. He gives me more time." You think to yourself.

You start speaking as if Chuuya were listening. "I'll make sure everyone remembers your name. I'll tell your story. You could have done so much more if you only had the time. And when my time is up, will I have done enough? Will they tell your story?" You start choking up on tears now. You can imagine Chuuya smiling at you. That precious smile of his.

"Oh, can I tell you what I'm proudest of?" You had taken note of how Dazai treated Akutagawa and Q. You decided you should help take care of any minor that comes into the Port Mafia. "I try to help give the kids a better life. I've seen them growing up. In their eyes, I see you, Chuuya. I see you every time." By now you were practically crying as you speak.

"And when my time is up, will I have done enough?" You looked down at a photo you had of Chuuya with his eyes closed, his smile was pure. "Will they tell your story?"

"Oh, I can't wait to see you again. It's only a matter of time."

Will they tell his story?

Around a year later, you were killed in battle. Your last thought was Chuuya. You only hoped you would reunite with him.

The Port Mafia practically had all new executives. You and Koyou were the most experienced there. All you had hoped is that Koyou would tell Chuuyas story. She knew him almost as much as you did.

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?

A/N: this was honestly so sad to make. And jeez 632 words!

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