Fluff! One Night

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A\N: Hopefully this makes sense

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A\N: Hopefully this makes sense. It was a random idea I had.. Hope you guys enjoy!

           It had been a long day at the Port Mafia. Time went by slow, and you had tons of paperwork. As for Chuuya, he wanted to do something with you tonight. Something fun. He wanted to spend time with you.

         You heard a knock on the door. You got up and then opened it. "Hey Y\N," a familiar voice said to you. "Hey Chuuya, what are you doing here? Don't you have important executive stuff to do?" You sounded confused. You usually got home way before Chuuya did. He only came to your office if something was wrong.

         "I finished everything." He sensed that you were confused. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah, but, since when did you leave early?" He tried to hide his laugh. You lost track of time, so you didn't know it was 8pm, when he normally left. "Y\N have you not looked at a clock lately?" He finally asked. "What do you mean it's-" you looked at your phone. "Oh," was all you could say.

          He ruffled your hair a little, and then fixed it the best he could, with a smile on his face. "So, since we're both here, why don't we go get something to eat together? It doesn't have to be anywhere fancy," he asked. Your face lit up at his suggestion. "Sure, you can choose where we go," he smiled, quickly kissed you on the cheek, and took your hand. "I know just the right place," he stated.

-     Time skip      -

        After you and Chuuya left the restaurant, he said there's another  place he wanted to go with you. Currently, your on the back on his motorcycle, hanging onto him. He stopped in front of a place with only grass.

         You both got off his motorcycle. "This is a nice place to look at the stars," he looked really happy. He took your hand, and you both started walking to a quiet place further away from cars.

        You both layed down next to each other and looked up at the stars. "They're so pretty," you never really took the time to look at them until now. Chuuya snuggled up against you. "Yeah, but none of them could be prettier than you. "It was a bit cheesy, but you still turned pink.

        He quickly kissed you on the lips. "I've been waiting for the day you lost track of time so we could do this," he looked relieved. The poor boy had probably been waiting for a long time. You layed your head on his chest.

       The rest of the night was just you and him. It couldn't have been any better. You wished for it to never end. You love Chuuya, and he loves you.

    A\N:  This one was really fun to write! Thank you so much for reading, if you have any requests, please go to the request page.

Chuuya x F!Reader One shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن