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Sophie stared at her own imparter in her hand.

Which was buzzing.

And was annoying her so very much.

She waited for her imparter to stop buzzing so much, so she could finally hail Gethen and Fitz and Alden and Alina and Emery and Tiergan.

She honestly doubted that even she and Fitz combined had enough mental power to simply make a huge mind balloon where they all could talk and hang around whenever they wanted, wherever they wanted.

Though a mind balloon did not sound so bad...

Whatever, her imparter buzzed as she realized that when she was thinking, she had lost her ultimate chance to hail the telepaths.

So now she resolved to glare at the screen as hard as she could, hoping that the hailer would get the hint to stop hailing her.

Apparently, they didn't.

Just awesome!

So when her imparter stopped buzzing for a short time window, she seized her chance and hailed Fitz.

Who didn't reply.

So the incessant buzzing of her imparter was back.

She wished they had phones instead.

At least on phones, you can cut the call or block the person who was calling you.

Imparters had no such luxury, which, was just sad.

Like, Now that she thought of it, Imparters were worse than phones, and like, all they could do using Imparters was to call!

No texting, no games, no songs (Not the family), and so many things that humans had that elves did not. 

Her Imparter stopped buzzing and she hailed Alina.

She did not know how as she did not have the clearance needed, but somehow, she picked it up.

Which was nice of her.

But a second later, Fitz's face popped into view and she was actually knocked back by the striking similarities in their appearances.

While the eye color was certainly Alden's, the shape of the eye wasn't.

While Fitz had Alden's eye color, nose, and ears, Fitz also had Alina's chin, forehead, and shape of eyes.

She was actually surprised how none of them had figured it out yet.

Or perhaps they had but they had been accused of spreading lies?

No one knows.

Certainly not she.

"Fitz! Why didn't you pick up my hails?" She asked him.

He blinked and realization dawned upon his features.

"I tried hailing you back, but it said that you were busy," He said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Alina looked at both of them for reasons neither of them could understand.

Or at least that's what she thought when Fitz shared a confused look at her.

Alina sighed.

"Kids these days. So impolite." She said, shaking her head, and then had the audacity to glare at her, as if she was responsible for Fitz acting like a normal teenager, like, honestly? Rude!

Fitz, ever the party-pooper, interrupted their glaring contest, receiving full heat of both of their glares.

But he did not back down and actually held his ground.

Apparently, Alina couldn't bear to glare at her own son and tore her eyes away, which, to be fair, go off she guessed.

"Moving onto more important at hand though, We need to release the Pewdiepies now." She said, staring into Fitz's and Alina's eyes with old eyes, eyes which spoke of seeing terror unknown to elfkind.

The playful atmosphere was now gone from the air, Fitz, being the mother hen, focused all his undivided attention on her.

"Sophie, what happened?" He asked, his tone urgent and filled with care.

"I... I saw an Emo Keefe!" She shrieked.

And oh, the sight he was! Such nightmarish eyebags! For Keefe did not know how to use eyeshadow. Or was it eyeliner? She couldn't tell.

And his beautiful, soft blonde locks had been dyed black! And that too, is the human way! The horror!

She recounted the event of her seeing him after his makeover by Tam and she secretly watched in glee as their faces stretched in horror.

Oh yes, this was fun.

Telepaths take over the world!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt