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"Mom!" Fitz exclaimed happily and Alden's face went red.

Wait, what?

Did he just call her mother?

"Wait, did you just call her your mother?" She asked him.

Fitz looked at her weirdly, before his expression shifted in a sheepish one.

"Uh... Oops? I mean, we talked about revealing it-" Fitz started, but Councilor Alina thankfully cut him off before they'd be stuck there for a century or two.

"Oh yes, we indeed did, but it seems that your amazing father has proven to have forgotten, as I certainly wouldn't put it past him." Councilor Alina glowered, and for a second, all they could hear was the wind.

But wait.


"Who told you that my plan included Pewdiepies?" She said, feeling weird as she said the word. Pewdiepies. Pewdiepie, the YouTuber she had not too much idea about.

Fitz looked at her confused.

"Uh... You told me today early in the morning? At 5?" He asked, well, more like told, But yeah.

"I don't remember talking about it though-"

"That is a sign of sleep deprivation, Miss Foster, Please go to sleep." Mr. Forkle ordered her. She hissed at him in response. A mutter by a passerby "This is what humans have fallen to," was heard clearly by all of them. She thought the possibility of them thinking she was a furry was more likely than them being an elf.

"You should return back to the Lost Cities first, Councilor Emery, the Council sent me out as they were getting quite worried." She said as she locked her eyes with Sophie.

Sophie felt quite unnerved by her turquoise eyes, which were impossibly bright and felt like she was actually staring into the sun, and now that she thought of it, Fitz's were closer to Councilor Alina's than they were to Alden.

Which led her to another question; how was Fitz Councilor Alina's child? It shouldn't have been possible. 


"Fitz, are you Neverseen's version of Project Moonlark with Alden and Alina's DNA?" She asked him. Fitz blinked.

"Uh... No? I mean, the closest is probably Keefe, but-" But he touched his head. Which was a sign of him lying.

She gasped. 

"So you are Neverseen's version of Project Moonlark! No wonder you-"

"Obviously he is, what else did you think was?" Asked Gethen in a deadpan voice, rolling his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well then, I, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, have saved Fitzroy Avery Vacker, my arch nemesis with the power of friendship and magic!" She exclaimed, waving her hands around.

Mr. Forkle stared at her as if she'd gone insane. Maybe she had, maybe she hadn't.

"Well, whatever it is, you heard her," Tiergan said, glancing suspiciously at Councilor Alina, you only grinned in return.

"We need to return soon, or preferably, now." Sir Tiergan said curtly, his tone not exactly harsh but not exactly polite either. 

"Well, you heard him-"

"Wait." Gethen interrupted.

He locked eyes with Fitz, as if sending some telepathic message.

Fitz's eyes widened as he did the same to Alden.

"Biana! I know you're here!" He yelled, particularly to nowhere.

Tiergan went to massage his temples.

He sighed heavily as Biana appeared.

"Taking over the world without me is lame, you know?" Biana said, flashing all her jewelry and jewels on her gown.

"Biana, who gave you access to a Pathfinder?" Alden asked, and Biana suddenly seemed more interested in picking her scar.

Huh, guess she really liked her scars.

Just like she liked her eyelashes.

Her nice, smooth, long, annoying eyelashes...

Speaking of which, a security guard was approaching them.

"We have stayed here a long time and we should return-" Councilor Emery begin, but Councilor Alina just cut him off by paraphrasing him, which, she was thankful for probably centuries to come.

"We should go back."

And just as they all (Even Biana) raised their pathfinders, they all light leaped, leaving a very baffled guard.

He sunk to his knees in shock at watching 10 people light leap away.

"First the light pole, and now the 10 people... Both incidents feature the same girl... Is this for my sin of cheating in school? Help me, oh great Twilight Sparkle!" The man exclaimed loudly. His coworker looked at him worriedly. Totally for the brony part and not his life-crisis.

Me, externally: Idc about the story much, I'm just writing because I'm bored, and I don't really care much about votes and stuff
Me, Internally: Yes, shower me with the votes and the comments, Validate me, I will literally sell my soul for these

Word count: 727

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