1. Fateful Meeting

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A/N: Welcome back ! :) For people who didn't read the other book, no worries! Its the same shifter universe, but the books are standalones :)



The crisp fragrance of morning dew clung to the blades of grass – Athelyna's favorite scent.

At the first light of dawn, she'd slip away from her room, leaving behind the confines of stone walls to immerse herself in the untouched field, where solitude was her only companion.

Unbeknownst to others, this was her secret haven, a forbidden escape for an eleven winters girl, according to her mother. Safety, however, cocooned their small village deep in the mountains, ensconced by the protective embrace of the surrounding forest.

Their homes, mere wooden structures with roofs of branches and hay, shielded them from the elements but also concealed a unique power.

Legend had it that humanoids were once shifters – creatures of malevolence and savagery. Recognizing the error, the Gods stripped them of their dark abilities, birthing a new generation: humanoids, benevolent beings with the ability to heal.

These healers, seen as precious, held the key to protecting their kind from the relentless threat of shifters.

Athelyna's secluded village was a sanctuary, all its inhabitants possessing the coveted healing gene. Every member, adult and child alike, had been carefully chosen and brought to this refuge, where the ongoing battle against shifters necessitated constant preparation.

For generations, healers shielded themselves, readying for the relentless conflict that began with the creation of humanoids. Their mission was clear – to purify the earth by eradicating shifters.

Day by day, Athelyna absorbed this knowledge, internalizing the responsibility that came with her healing abilities.

Though barred from active participation in the conflict due to her gender, understanding her purpose in this ongoing battle was crucial for her.

The adversaries, inherently opposite forces, were locked in a perpetual struggle. One sought the radiance of light, while the others harnessed the formidable power of darkness.

Their existence was forged in conflict, destined to fight until one side succumbed, banished from the earth forever.

Shifters, inherently evil, were notorious for purposeless killing, haunting the nightmares of children. In the early days, bloodshed marred the landscape, with bodies strewn and populations decimated.

The air reeked of death, grass stained with blood, villages reduced to ashes, and genocide loomed.

Then, a God emerged, bathed in pure white light, bearing a gift – the wishstone. This sacred stone, infused with godly magic, was their salvation, a vessel for wishes that could shift the tides of their ongoing struggle.

However, amidst the chaos, the wishstone was lost, plunging them into increased destruction and endless battles. Despite years of relentless searching, it remained elusive.

Facing an ominous truth, they reluctantly acknowledged the need to halt the fighting, averting mutual annihilation. The panthers, jaguars, tigers, foxes, and eagles – formidable predators – surrounded them, emphasizing the urgent need for peace.

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