Traffic Jam

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"Quinn? Quinn wake up! WAKE UP NOW!"

A pair of hands was violently shaking Quinn, causing her to sputter in surprise and bolt up into a sitting position. Her light was on and her mother, Elain Davison, stood over her, her black hair disheveled and her grey eyes filled with panic. She was wearing a tan jacket that she only wore for hiking trips and her old work jeans. What startled Quinn, however, was the backpack on her back and the duffle bag on the ground near her feet.

She rubbed her eyes and swung her feet over the side of the bed. "Mom? What's-"

"No time!" A white long sleeve shirt and jeans were shoved into Quinn's confused face. "I'll explain everything on the way but right now you have to pack. Empty your bag and get two pairs of pants, three shirts, all the socks and underwear you can, and your wallet and phone. Your father has already gotten our papers and I got medicine and food." Quinn opened her mouth to speak but her mom was already leaving the room. "And put on your hiking boots and a good jacket and meet us in the living room!"

Leaping to her feet she did what her mom said. Outside her window she could hear the shouts of her neighbors and lots of footsteps and cars being started. she opened the curtains and realized it was probably only 5 am, and yet she could make out people running around and cars pulling out. 

Her neck prickling and her heart pounding she emptied her school brown school bag and began to fill it with what her mom told her too. She was a good packer and was able to get three pairs of jeans, four shirts and almost all of her underwear and socks. She decided to keep her wallet and phone in the pockets of her work jacket, which was just an oversized Carhart coat her dad gave to her for Christmas.

She paused as she began to close her bag and rushed over to her dresser to grab the locket Bekka had given her for her 15th birthday. It was silver and engraved with a rose and had a picture of the tree they met in, which had been cut down years ago in a project to expand the park. After slipping it on and under her shirt, she grabbed the bulging bag and sprinted down the hall to the living room.

She was met with a flurry of activity as her mother was hastily shoving bottles of water into a bag on her dads back while also simultaneously trying to get the green duffle bag over her shoulders. Quinn rushed over to help her get the straps fully on, earning a grateful yet frazzled look.

Her father, Damion Davison, was broad shouldered man, which allowed him to have two back packs on either shoulder. He had always valued physical fitness and made sure his family was in shape too.

"You got everything sweetie?" he was asking both of them. Her mother muttered an affirmative while Quinn just silently nodded. At this, he opened the door and stepped into the night with the two of them close behind.

It was chaos. The neighborhood street and sidewalks were filled with people running around frantically, yelling, pushing, and loading bags onto and in their cars before rapidly pulling out, blaring their horns and having very little regard for the people they had lived near for years. This caused a serious backup in the road as too many people tried to leave at once.

Her parents didn't even glance at their own car; running past on the sidewalk where there was less blockage. Many others caught onto this, getting out of their cars and weaving around them in the streets to gain more ground. This only caused more obstacles though, as now unmanned cars sat in the middle of the road.

Quinn jogged up to be beside her dad. "Dad, what's going on?! Where are we going?"

He shook his head. "Not now hun. I'll tell you-"

"What, later?! I need to know now!"

Her mother grabbed her arm, stopping them. "Listen to me Quinn. We aren't safe out here right now. You will wait until we reach the evacuation area, then I promise you I will tell you everything I can. Okay?"

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