Chapter 26

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Roman received the divorce papers the following Monday, just as he was leaving for work. He'd opened the door, and a man handed him an envelop, asking him to sign for it. His heart sank. He knew what it was. He hadn't thought Mickey would work that fast to get them to him, but there they were. Tearing the envelope open, and reading over them, Roman roared, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Caroline looked up from the morning paper, and said, "Roman!"

"Ma! She's trying to take my kids! I know what she's doing! She's thinking, she's going to replace me with John!"

"Roman, talk to her, but if I know Marlena, this has nothing to do with John, and everything to do with your behavior since you've returned," Caroline said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You were rough with her on several occasions. You've hit her, which Eric witnessed. You've cursed at the children...Roman, think about it. Marlena has a right to be concerned."

"But sole custody? Supervised visitation? Really, Ma?"

"I spoke with her about this, Roman, and I have to agree with her. The children are scared of you, and you should probably speak with someone about—"

"—you spoke with Marlena about me? When?" Roman asked his mother suspiciously.

"When she came back from Smith Island, we—"

"—you've known about this for a week! You didn't think this was something you should discuss with me?"

She hadn't discussed it with him, because she knew how he'd react. Caroline sighed, "I agree with her, and I knew how you might take the news. You were gone for seven years! You need to work through that," Caroline said.

Shawn entered the kitchen, and says, "Ye mother's right, Roman. Ye get angry at the drop of a hat, and I didn't raise any son of mine to lay his hands on a woman. Marlena's just wanting ye to see someone, and get some help. It's not a permanent custody arrangement, unless ye make it that way."

"Roman, please!" Caroline said. "Sign the papers, and get some help. Do it for yourself, and do it for the children. Carrie's back now, and you know how upset she was Friday."

Roman felt as if his parents were attacking him, "Ma! Carrie slipped my mind! I told her I was sorry!"

Shawn was angry at Roman's level of ignorance, "Slipped ye mind, son? Roman! Ye saying ye forgot ye own child?"

"No! Yes...I don't know, Pop!"

"That's what I mean, Roman," his mother said softly. "Before, Carrie was your pride and can she slip your mind?"

The harsh ring of the telephone rend the air. Caroline and Shawn glance over at the telephone, and Roman snatches it up angrily, saying harshly, "Hello?"



"It's Chief Tarrington. I know, I told you that I didn't have a job for you, but something has just come up. It's a deep cover Afghanistan. I'm not sure how long you would be needed, but it wouldn't be less than a year. In all honestly, it could last a few years, but you said long-term, when last we spoke," Chief Tarrington said.

Roman knew the timing was bad, but he had to go. When he'd called Chief Tarrington a week earlier, he'd been upset. He couldn't handle the pressures of being a father, watching Marlena move on...and now this baby with Billie. Getting the divorce papers had solidified that feeling of helplessness. Sighing deeply, he replied, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm still interested."

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