Chapter 6

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Marlena sat in the quiet solitude of her office at the end of a long day. Roman had been unhappy that she was assigned the hit and run case for the man who had hit Kimberly. His arguments had whittled her down to almost nothing, and she had finally given the case over to a colleague. Roman spoke to her as if she were incompetent, as if he understood the intricacies of her job better than she did. He argued, and he fought with her until she had simply given up. Someone else would be handling the Roger Lombard case now.

    Roman was slowly breaking her down. She wasn't ready to move forward with him, at least not physically, the way he wanted her too. Even though he had said he'd give her time, Marlena knew the clock was ticking. Maybe if she went ahead, and slept with him, it would bring something back for her. It was possible that her old feelings for him would return with the same strength they'd once had. All she had to do was try, but she couldn't get over the feeling that being with Roman was cheating on John. She knew that there was no John. The problem was, as it stood right then, her feelings for Roman were lukewarm at best.

    Standing up from her desk, Marlena took off her jacket. Her remaining cream lace chemise revealing smooth creamy shoulders dotted with freckles. She walked towards her bathroom, intent on washing the days make-up from her face, and changing her clothes. She was prepared to settle in for the next few hours, and update her client notes. She was going to make sure she was comfortable while she did it. Sami was at a sleepover with a friend, and Eric was sleeping over at the fish market with Shawn D.

    Marlena looked at herself in the mirror, and noted the fatigue she saw there. A faint purple hue had settled under her eyes. Her previously blow dried and styled hair, had given up and was starting to curl around her face. Marlena smiled, thinking that John had always liked her hair when it was curly. Turning to the closet, she took out a pair of sage green joggers with a matching sweater, and placed them on the shelf behind her, while her mind wandered to days long past.

    Recently, her mind had been thinking of John more often. It was likely because they were spending so much time together during his hypnosis sessions. He was learning things that left him vulnerable, and she was part of that process. They had grown closer. She woke in the middle of the night, breathing deeply, and aroused, after dreams of his hands roaming her body with rough abandon. She would remember his sounds of pleasure as he drove into her body.  Between her arguments with Roman, and her vivid dreams, Marlena was ready to prescribe herself something to sleep.

    She ran cold water over a wash rag, and began to slowly remove her make-up, while she remembered a moment with John when they were married.

    "Roman," she whispered, as he licked his way along the column of her neck. "We're in my office..."

    "Technically we're in your office bathroom," he whispered, softly running his palm over the satin of her chemise. "You took your jacket off, and I had to touch you...I had to touch you..."

    A moan sounded low in her throat, "Roman...Roman..." The feel of his hands rising over her abdomen to cup her breasts, and the feel of his fingers as they pulled an plucked at her nipples, caused her to moan again, "Roman...not here..."

    "Yes, here," he moaned, watching her in the mirror. "I can't stop. I won't be able to leave this office with my cock as hard as it is."

    Marlena gasped, feeling his hard length pressing against her backside. She wanted him. She wanted him all of the time. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other, and even though she had never done anything in her office with Roman before, since his return...they had made love all over the house, and once in the car.

    Roman's fingers fumbled with the button at the back of her skirt, and their eyes met in the mirror, "I need you, Doc. All the time. I can't get enough of you."

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