Chapter 24

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They'd decided to do Pizza Friday at Marlena's house. It allowed Carrie to settle into her old bedroom, and it would be easier to put the twins to bed when the movie ended. Having John there, to do their bedtime routine, made Eric and Sami happy, and it gave Marlena a warm glow watching them together.

Carrie was still reeling from her earlier conversation with them. Just as John promised her, he didn't lie. They answered all of her questions, the good and the bad. Anna had broken the news to Carrie in such a careless manner, Marlena knew that the only way they could rebuild trust with her was to tell her the truth. Carrie wasn't a child anymore. When the movie had ended, and it was time for Eric and Sami to go to bed, Carrie had announced that she was going to the fish market to see her grandparents, and meet Roman for the first time since she was six years old.

John followed Marlena into the kitchen, so he could help her clean up. Plates, and bowls, as well as utensils and cups were stacked up next to the sink, while Marlena ran hot sudsy water in the basin. Slipping his arms around her hips, John said softly, "You have a dishwasher."

Marlena smiled, "I know, I do, but sometimes the simple act of washing dishes in a quiet kitchen at the end of the day...I don't know, it relaxes me."

"Well, let's gets started then," he told her, reaching for a nearby dish towel, and moving to stand beside her.

"How do you think Carrie is feeling about our conversation?" Marlena asked him, handing him a plate to dry. "She didn't say much, and she was quiet all night."

"Carrie's alway been quiet when she's dealing with things. I wouldn't be too worried about it," he said quietly. "I didn't realize that Roman hadn't reached out to her."

"Neither did I...I guess, I just assumed he had. I feel awful about it, John. I should have asked him if he had. I should have contacted her myself," Marlena said, handing John another plate.

Facing her, John laid the towel to the side, "Hey, hey, hey...Doc, don't blame yourself for this. When you came home, I called Carrie, and told her within a couple days, remember? I had you speak with her on the phone. When we found Roman in San Cristobal, I didn't call her, because I still thought I was Roman, and when we learned that I wasn't...I felt like it was no longer my place. The fact is, Roman is the one who should have called her, and he didn't. She heard the news from Anna, and we both know that Anna isn't the best when it comes to delivering delicate news."

Marlena sighed, and handed John a bowl to dry, "You're right. I know you're right. I just worry. I worry about her, and I've been so caught up in myself...I feel guilty."

"There's been so much going on here," John said. "I think after talking to her, Carrie understands that."

Marlena placed the dirty cups into the sink, and said with a small smile, "She's grown into such an amazing young woman. You didn't an incredible job raising her."

"She was my side-kick. She'll always be my daughter, no matter what. Just like I'll always consider Sami and Eric to be mine," John said.

"Don't you start coaching Eric's tee ball team next week?"

"I do," John said with a grin.

"He's been talking about it for days. He's so excited, John. It's been so long since I've seen him light up like that."

"I'm glad. I'll admit, I'm pretty excited, too. Does Roman know?"

"I haven't spoken to Roman since the other day, and that didn't end well. He hasn't spoken with the twins, so he probably doesn't."

John took the glass that Marlena handed him, and started drying it carefully, "How did your meeting with Mickey go today?"

"I told him I wanted sole custody, and supervised visitation," she said softly.

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