Chapter 9

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Marlena sat on the couch in her office, across from John. He seemed tired, and he was dirty from a long day on the docks. His appointment had been scheduled a little later in the day, due to his work schedule, and they were just finishing up. Marlena looked up from their notes, and asked him softly, "Have you given any more thought to speaking with Lawrence? I believe you have recalled enough memories to move forward with the DNA request."

John's hand weaved roughly through his hair, and he replied, "I've thought about it...but, G-d, Doc, how does a person even start a conversation like that?"

"You could invite him here, if it would make you more comfortable? The environment is more structured, and I could—I could support you though it," she said.

"I don't know what I'd say. Seriously what do you say in this type of situation? 'Hey Larry, I know we hate each other, and I think you're a slime ball, but I think I'm your long dead brother Forrest. I've got a locket to prove it, and a bunch of random memories if that helps'," John said sarcastically.

Marlena smiled at him indulgently, reaching forward for his hand, to lightly stroke his palm with her thumb, "John...we could script it out before he got here. If that would help you."

"He's going to think I'm after his money. Vivian's definitely going to believe I'm after the money..." he hedged, hoping that Marlena understood his wariness.

"You know your truth, John. I know your truth," Marlena told him softly. "You've discovered more over the last few months than you ever knew before, and I'm so proud of you...I'm so proud of you..." She squeezed his hand, and continued to stare at him.

They continued to stare into each others eyes for longer than they should, both of them caught up in thoughts and feelings of their own. Finally John cleared his throat, and said, "It's late. I should get going."

" can make another appointment with Chelsea. Just call tomorrow, I believe she's gone home for the day," Marlena said distractedly.

At the door, John turned at said, "Are you okay, Doc?"

Marlena thought about how uneasy she had felt all day. She thought about her patient Frank, who had her on edge after his revelations in his last appointment, and she wished she could talk to John about it, but she couldn't. "It's a patient," she said softly.

"Ah, so you can't talk about it?"

"I can't talk about it," she said, staring at him from across the room, and wishing she could feel his arms around her. Wishing that John could hold her, even while knowing that what she craved from him was more than friendship and comfort.

"Okay, Doc," John said. "I'll give Chelsea a call tomorrow."

She heard the door close with a soft snick, and glanced at the clock. She was so tired, but she needed to finish up her notes for John's session before she could leave for the day. Roman had said he was picking the twins up from his parents and taking them out for bowling and pizza, so she didn't have to rush.

Removing her jacket, she happened to glance down at her upper arm, noting the distinct finger patterns there from when Roman had grabbed her roughly the morning after her dream, almost a week ago.

She was running late, and exhausted from the night before. Roman hadn't bothered to come home, and it was nearly eight o'clock in the morning. Opening the kitchen door, Marlena yelled, "Sami! Eric! We need to leave in five minutes, or we are going to be late!"

"Okay, Mom!" Eric yelled back. Marlena smiled to herself when she heard Eric say to Sami, "Get your stuff, because when we're late, it's usually because of you!"

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