Chapter 4

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Marlena watched as John's eyes darted back and forth under his closed lids, and his breathing increased. "Can you tell me where you are, John?"

"I'm outside. Near a pool," he said quietly. "My brother is there...we're...he's angry."

"Do you know why he's angry?"

"I said, I was faster than him on my bicycle, because I'm faster," John said in a childlike voice, with a small grin.

Marlena smiled, "Can you tell me what's happening now?"

"I'm going to race him, to prove I'm faster than him," John replied.

"John? Do you know your brothers name?"


"Do you know your name?"

"Forrest...I'm Forrest," he said proudly. "I'm going to beat him. I know I am!"

Marlena notices that John's legs were twitching, "John, slow down the memory. Can you do that? Can you slow it down?"

John's breathing had picked up, and he said breathlessly, "Yes..."

"Can you remember your last name?" Marlena asked him. She knew that it might be a long shot, asking him, but if they were trying to find his origins, a last name would help.

"Alamain," he whispered.

Marlena gasped slightly, immediately putting the pieces together. Lawrence. Alamain. Lawrence Alamain. She said softly, "What's happening in your memory now, John?"

"I'm going to win," he said excitedly. "I just have to go around this corner..."

All of a sudden John's body jerked violently, and he started to struggle, panting heavily. Marlena rushed to sit beside him, saying, "John, this isn't real. It's a memory! John! I'm going to count back wards from five, and you're going to wake up, remembering everything you just saw...five"

He sat up violently, gasping for air, and clawing at his throat, "Doc! I'm drowning...I—I can't breath!"

"John, John, honey, yes, you can," she said softly. "Take a deep breath, look at your surroundings...take a deep breath..."

He fell into her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and breathing deeply, "I was drowning. I was drowning, Doc!"

She could feel his fingers clenched in her jacket at her back, and feel his hot breath permeating the fabric of her blouse. Her hand held his head to her chest, and she whispered, "You're in my office, John. That was a memory...but right now, you're in my office."

He took long, deep, breaths of her, using her scent to calm his mind, and lower his blood pressure. He knew he should let go of her, but he didn't. His arms wrapped around her tighter, like she was the tether holding him to this room. After several long moments, John looked up at her, and said, "I remembered my name."

"You did," she said softly, brushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead. "Now it's up to you to decide what you want to do with that name."

John sat up, but Marlena didn't move away from him. She continued to sit beside him, as he said, "Lawrence...Lawrence is my brother."

John's deep clue eyes were pulling her in, and she forced herself to put distance between them, saying, "It's worth looking into. You'll need to speak with him, of course, and likely...a DNA test would be required."

"I think...I need another session, maybe more, Doc. I can't—I won't go to him with this just yet. Larry and I can't stand each know that."

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